chapter 21 THE END

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Hey guys hope you like this chapter. This may or may not be smut as well

Dipper pov
After hearing my mother say those words I blacked out or something. And when I came to, I had torn down trees ripped apart our room and broke everything that reminded me of her or something I think. Bill was on top of me with a worried look on his face.
  "Dipper. Have you finally come back?" "I'm sorry... I " "it's fine don't worry." He kissed me on the cheek and then helped me get up. "I'm so sorry about Mabel, Dipper." He hugged me and I wanted to hug him back it was just that I was too overwhelmed to hug anyone. "Bill... You know I love you right." He looked at me with those beautiful eyes of his, and I started remembering all of the good times before everything went to sh*t. I missed him so much I hate that ever since I came back I've been pushing him away. I grabbed Bill by the face "I'm sorry for pushing you away all this tim, but I want you to know that I love you with all of my heart." He pulled me a bit closer to the point we were inches away from kissing. "I know you love me you've just been trying to save all of us. I understand." I smiled a little and kissed him, he responded by grabbing my waist and kissing me back. But he pulled away "I think before we do anything else we should give her funeral. Even though time wasn't on our side and we might be dead tomorrow we burried Mabel. It wasn't something we told anyone only Wendy, Stan, Zues, Bill, and I were there. In our backyard watching us burry her. Before the night was over with Bill and I were in my room. He was looking all the drawings, the adventures Mabel and I went on, and pictures of me and her. Finally he came back to me and I wrapped my arms around his neck, and he wrapped his arms around my waist. "I love you Dipper." "I love you too." And we kissed again this time though it was more passionate he took me to my bed and began kissing me neck and jawline. His hands were at my waist though he was grabbing by my pelvic thrusting my waist. Making me moan in pleasure, he finally took off my shirt and his, but at this point I had rolled on top of him and straddling him. I could feel him getting aroused and his hands rubbing my thighs. When I said the words that made him go crazy. "Bill... P... Please... F**k me." He flipped me over and started kissing my neck going down further to my V line and sucking on my skin. I I tried to hold back but he lifted his head. "You've been gone for months so don't hold anything back I'll have to punish you." He went back to kissing my stomach and began unbuckling my pants. And started rubbing my member and began making his way back up to me. Kissing me lustfully. I let out a moan when he rubbed me faster, he went back down to my member and took off my underwear and licked off the precum from my member. Making me moan even more. "I want to hear you say it Pine tree." "I... Wa... Nngnn... You... in side of me." He took off his pants and began preparing me for him. "Nnn.. Uhh... Bill." When I was finally ready he was in side of making me feel so good. But I wanted him feeling good too, so I got on top and began straddling him and kissing his neck and chest.making moans leave his mouth "D... Di.. Dipper uhh nnnng."
        We were at it all night and when Bill finally fell asleep I took a shower got dressed went to go see her.
         She was at the top of the clock tower smiling like the Joker.
"I saw that you were having a good night. Sooo have you decided?" "I have." I turned to my demon self and walked closer to her. "You may have taken the only person that I loved more than Bill, and My family and friends. But even though I have so many that I love and that love me back I refuse to let them die." I grabbed her hand and she smiled "So is that a yes?" I smiled and she started screaming and her flesh began to burn "blood of my blood, Hate of my hate, tears of my tears. I sacrifice my love my hate my pain and my life. Make her pay for my pain." As those words were spoken I could hear Bill through my mothers screaming. And when I looked down from the clock tower I mouthed to him 'I love you'  and that moment my mother and I bursted into flames. But I was still there just on another plane looking over him seeing.

Bill pov
"I saw him die and I saw him live I don't know what else I can say. I loved him so much. He was the only one that understood me I'll keep him in my heart forever." I looked around at Wendy, Zues, And Stan we survived because of him and we will Always honor his and Mable's memory I whispered to him "I'll see you soon."

This is the end bye. 😭😭😭😭

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