chapter 4

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Saturday came and bill was waiting on the forest for me. But for some reason ever since he first talked to me in his human I can't get him out of my mind I keep thinking about you his blonde hair and his eyes . You know stuff like that but I don't know why. I saw Bill so I ran to him "good to see that your so pumped about this trip"
Bill's pov
Ever since I talked to dipper in my human I've been having these weird feeling I mean I start thinking about him for no reason like his cute little smile and his adorable curly hair or the fact that he is cute when he's determined to do something. What has dipper done to me. I open a portal to the dream realm he jumps in first of course he never really liked to wait then I jump in next. We walk to the castle when a guard asks for the password " namja" after that the guard let's use in we bow to the king and queen. "Your Majesty's I have brought to you your son dipper." The queen and king walk over to dipper lifts his hair up and sees the birthmark. "It really is you my son, Dipper." They all start to cry except me of course I'm not much of cry at all. While Dipper and his parents caught up I took a nap when I woke Dipper was explaining why he had to "I have to go because I have family in the human realm too but I'll be back I promise." They hug and I open a portal but we jumped at the same time and when we came out of the portal he was on top of me and we kissed.

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