chapter 14

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Dipper's POV
My heart was beating fast like at any second it was going to burst. All that surrounded me was pitch black all I  could hear was mine and Stanford's breathing. A roar was heard this time it sounded closer to us, yellow light began to show yellow eyes right in front of my face. Suddenly blue flames began to light up the room showing the monster. She had long black hair  greyish skin that was covered in ruins, fangs that could pierce through skin. The demon was beautiful in a way. When she looked into my eyes they softened I could feel this connection between us.
"Dipper?" She said softly "why are you here?" "I came to find you, I'm sixteen now and I wanted know why all of this was happening to me and I wanted to meet you..... mom."
Mabel POV
My heart is beating so fast I can't find my brother or Stanford. Bill doesn't even know that Dipper is gone. I just hope that he comes back soon he never just disappears out of no where. I just hope he's okay.

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