chapter 16

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Hey guys hope you like this chapter and thanks for the support.

Mabel POV
    Day's have gone by since I've last seen him, Bill is getting really anxious and worried. Honestly I am too I miss Dipper it feels like I'm noty whole self with out him here. I'm not the same fun loving person I usually am. I just really hope that he's okay and he's coming back soon. I can't go any longer without seeing or hearing from him.  And uncle Stanford is with him I just hope that they are safe.

Stanford POV
We've been here for days and she is still teaching him how to control his powers, but I get this feeling that something is going to happen... Soon. My dreams have been the same for a month, it was about the world being destroyed and Dipper in the middle of it all.

Time laps~
Dipper POV
Three months passed since I was last at the mystery shack. I miss Mabel we have never been apart for this long. My mom has been training. But I get this feeling that something big is going to happen. And I've been having these dreams of a the world being destroyed and me standing in the middle of it in my demon form. I don't know what it means but I've been having that dreams for a momth, and it's keeping me up at night. Uncle Stanford and I haven't really spoken he's been to busy exploring and writing his discoverys down. I try to act like I'm fine that I don't want to go back home and see my sister and boyfriend so much.
Bill POV
I haven't seen him in three months and Mabel doesn't know where he is either. Uhh she said Stanford was missing too I need to find Pines. But I've been having these dreams about the world being destroyed and Dipper  was in the middle on the ground holding Mabel in his arms in his demon form crying over her and looking angerly at a woman. I've been having this dream for a month now and I don't know what it means I'm just really confused.
Mabel POV
Three months have passed and it hasn't been the same, and I know that it's weird to say but I don't feel Dipper anymore. You see me and Dipper have this bond that no matter where we are we can still feel the connection its kinda like a twin thing. And I've been having these weird, upsetting dreams with Dipper in it. The world is being destroyed and Dipper is on the ground holding Bill in his arms crying and looking at a woman like he's gonna kill her. I just want him to come home to come back and tell me everything is going to rainbows and kittens as usual.
Sorry for not updating this monthly sorry guys love you bye. And thanks for the support guys. ☺☺☺

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