chapter 20

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Hope you like this chapter love you guys bye.

Mabel POV
  After we got home I went straight upstairs cause I couldn't handle being around anyone after what happened. I just wasn't in the right state of mind, I feel like everyone has changed even me. No ones as happy as they use to, no one is smiling or making jokes. It's like we have all lost all our selves somewhere down the line of saving gravity fall and hunting down creatures. Now we only see pain in all of our futures with no hope of happiness. I just feel like this was the breaking point for me. I can't handle another heart break or someone dying right in front of me. I just want to go home to my and dad.
  "Hey Mabel, can... I come in?" I clean my face "yeah come in" Dipper walks in to our room and I could already tell that he has been crying. His eyes were red and puffy like mines and we don't even talk about it. We just sit next to each other in silence for a few minutes just looking at the walls and all the stuff we've gathered from all of our adventures. "I'm sorry Mabel this is all my fault should've been there at the hospital with you instead of doing research."  Even though I knew it wasn't his fault I still had this huge pit of anger towards Dipper. But I didn't want to lash at him so just sat in silence looking at my feet. "Okay well I'm going to fix you favorite food tonight, I love you." I don't say anything and he walks out of the room and I lay down trying to take a nap. And when I had fell asleep it wasn't even an hour I woke up from my nightmare of Dipper's mom killing me. When I had got out of bed it was night and I had went over to the window looking out to the mystery shack and the forest. And when I had looked at my reflection I saw his mothers face. At first I thought I was seeing things until from the glass she reached out her hand and grabbed my neck. " please...let....go." "Know why would I do that you little insulant human." "DIPPER... EHH EHH HELP."
There was no answer. Dang it he must be sleeping. Ugh let me try bill. "BILL... BILL CIPHER I NEED YOU HURRY!" As I'm calling out she came out fully from the mirror her hand still gripped around my neck. "There's no use honey. No one can hear you, I hope you believe in heaven." She started gripping my neck harder and harder. I'm not ready to die I want to stay with my brother and gruncle. I want to grow old and have kids, I want to see them grow up with Dipper and Bill's kids side by side. I'm not ready please someone. "You see my son loves you more than anyone in this world. So you must die, don't worry I'll take good care of him." I could feel myself running out of.... Breath... My mind..... Its getting.... Uhh uhhh..... I can't...
With Mable's last breath taken her body was flailing. When Dipper opens the door with his head down scratching it. "Hey Mabel did you call..." When he looked he saw his holding Mabel by the neck with a huge grin on her face. "Let go of her!" He ran towards her but when he got there his mom disappeared and Mabel's body was laying on the ground. Dipper ran over to her and began cradling her in his arms.
"No no no no no.... You can't be dead.... I should've... We were supposed to grow old together remember... And we were going to move on a farm that was so spacious that our kids could run and play around... Do you remember? Please answer me, Mabel, please." As he was mourning his sister he heard his mothers voice in the wind. "I told you, you should've came with me." As he heard those words a burning fire of rage exploded from him. He has just lost his uncle, and now his sister. Now it was his turn to make a move. She took the person he loved the most in this missed up world. And he wasn't going to let that slide by.

Hope you liked it, love you guys by.😘

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