chapter 19

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Hey guys hope you like this chapter and remember we are getting down to the last few chapter's so show some love to them.

Dipper POV
     It's been two weeks now and she hasn't made a move yet. Uncle Stanford is still in the hospital and mabel is still there by his bed side. Bill sometimes visit me and checks on me but he knows that I need some. Space to figure things out but he helps me out if he can. And I know that I've been distant still, but I just don't know how to talk to him right now.
    I'm in my room sitting at my desk reading book that bill found that's about my mother. That talks about her powers. But it never says anything about her weakness, which frustrates the heck out of me. I'm about to turn to the next page when Bill appears with chocolates and big smile on his face.
"What is all this about?" I asked him cause I am very confused to why he brought chocolates. " I just thought you've been working so hard and so many things have been bitter lately that you deserve something sweet." I smile and take the chocolates from him. And I hug him tightly. "Thank you for everything." "It's only a box of chocolate." "No, I mean .... thank you for being patient with me and giving me some space and helping me with everything. I know that I've been difficult lately and stressed out. And that I haven't really showed that I miss you, so I'm sorry and thank you." I could feel his smile on my neck and then I felt his arms wrap around me. "It was no problem" we stayed like that for awhile embarrassing each other. I missed this. When we were done hugging we let go of each other and he kissed me. I missed that too. But suddenly my phone rings and I answer it and it was Mabel. "Dipper you have to come here quick" she sounds scared "what is it what's wrong?" "I'm hiding in the bathroom of the hospital, but there's this women in uncle's room... I think it's your mom." "OK stay there and don't move I'll be right there." I hang up the phone and I look at Bill "we have to go" " why what's wrong?" " it's my mom she's at the hospital."
  We rush there but when we go into the room we see uncle lying there monitor beeping signaling that he passed. Nurses rush in trying to save him, but I know he won't come back. So I go into the bathroom and see Mabel sitting on the floor crying. I bend down and I hug her crying as well and Bill he stands there not knowing what to do. But there's this burning in my soul that is making want to scream my soul out.
  When we get home gruncle Stan is sitting in his chair looking at old pictures of him and his brother. We decide not to bother him Mabel goes upstairs still crying. But I got into the woods and Bill follows. " I could've saved him." "There was nothing that you've could've done Dipper." "Yes, there was, I could've been at his bedside like Mabelwas, I could've stopped her I could've...." He tries to comfort me but it didn't help much,  but I'm crying and I feel my self changing. And when I'm done crying I feel numb my only focus is killing that women who gave birth to me.
    "Dipper?" "Right now Bill I don't need to be comforted, I just need to find that b**ch ok so that i can rip out her throat." I could see that he was shocked and confused, but he doesn't say anything. When I get back into the house I go to the bathroom and see that I'm In my demon form. But I don't panic or try to change back, cause I plan on staying like this until she's dead and gone. And I'm sorry Bill and Mabel everything will be OK soon I promise. Just give me a few hours to find her.
  Hey guys hope you liked this chapter don't forget to share and comment and that this fanfic is almost over, but I am working on another fandom to publish so be ready for that love you all. ❤

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