Chapter 3

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Someone's POV

"No! No! I'm sorry!" I said crying. I looked at the poor ghost boy.

"Its not your fault hyung. Its mine" Jungkook said "It is my fault. I would have just let you do it. Instead of stabbing you..." I said trembling.

"It is already my revenge that I'm still here haunting you if you can call it that" Jungkook shrugged.

"I'm really sorry" I said as I held his hand. I can touch him but he is so light. Like I am holding thin air.

"Its fine. Let me go hyung, they are probably near my body by now. The knife is clean too so no one suspects you" Jungkook said "Right" I said and nodded.

Yoongi POV

"What do you mean?!" Jin angrily said "Calm down kid" A teacher said.

"The knife is dry and clean" The principal said. He took a handkerchief and wiped the knife. From its handle to its blade.


We saw Taehyung and Jimin walking from a distance. Jimin limping and Taehyung helping him walk.

"We h-heard t-the news" Jimin said weakly.

"Who would've did this?" Taehyung said and looked at Jungkook. Eyes glossy.

"I know, principal!" I called

"Who are the people that was not here during lunch break?" I asked

"Taehyung, Jimin, the club members and the sport teams" the school guard said who just randomly got here.

"You too" Hoseok said.

"Right" The guard said.

"The club members are obviously with each other. And it looks like only one person killed Jungkook so its not the sport teams nor the club members" Namjoon said.

"Jimin was in the clinic during the whole morning session" I said.

"Taehyung.... Was no where to be seen" Jin said and we all looked at Taehyung

His face turned pale and his knees trembled. Actually his whole body trembled

"No! I would never do it! Jungkook is my best friend! I liked him! Why would I do that when I like him?! Accusing me?! I would never kill Jungkook!!" Taehyung screamed while crying.

"Then where were you?" Jin said

"Wrong place at the wrong time" Taehyung said and sighed.

"Okay. Fine. I was waiting for Jungkook at the garden. I was supposed to confess to him but I gave up thinking it would be stupid and we were too young" Taehyung said.

"That is true" the garden club president said.

"But did Jimin actually stay in the clinic?" Hoseok said

"Of course! He couldn't even move a muscle!" I defended him.

"Why was Jimin actually in the clinic and how did you know Yoongi?" Jin said

"Jimin was being bullied. So I saved him and we went to the clinic. I had to help him to walk cause he was weak... At the time" I said.

"That is true" Nurse Choi said. "Ok, ok calm down students" The principal said.

"We can say, none of the students did this. We will report this to the police. You all are free to leave. Except the adults. The family of Jungkook must come" The principal said.

"It is your choice if you want to stay, you 6 children" The principal said pointing at us 6.

"You 6 are his best friends right?" A student said.

We all nodded

"We won't stay. We know the adults can handle this" Namjoon said and we nodded as a sign that we agree with them.

"Ok then. Go home safely everyone" The principal said and we all went home.

"Jimin" I called. Taehyung let him go and I helped him stand up.

"Did you went out the room?" I said as calmly as I could.

"N-No" Jimin said his eyes turning glossy.

"I'm too w-weak to k-kill" Jimin said and sobbed.

"J-Jungkook teases m-me a lot b-but h-he is s-still my b-best friend" Jimin said as he cried on my shoulder.

"Its okay" I said and ruffled his hair. He nuzzled his head on the crook of my neck.

We hugged.

"I'll protect you then" I said. We separated and he raised his pinky finger.

"Promise me Yoongi hyung. You will be my knight in shining armor forever. No matter what happens" Jimin said. Its a miracle he didn't stutter.

I raised my pinky finger too and intertwined our pinky fingers.

"I promise I will be Park Jimin's savior from now till forever" I grin and he hugged me.

"Thank you hyung~" he said happily.

"No problem Minnie" I said


Hope you have a great day/night! Stay Awesome and Happy! Good Bye


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