Chapter 14

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Yoongi's POV

Everyday I get tapes, one per day. I know Jisung sends these from C's group and every tape is still the same message but different ways to portray them. Maybe to show their personality without revealing their identity?


That's the message I got so far. What was hidden? Everyday I also visit Jimin to make sure he's alright and if he gained more memories. He started getting more panic attacks and wakes up everyday screaming. Sometimes while we're in the room he would just zone out.

The hospital food wasn't helping at all either. He was only looking pale and skinnier day by day. Sometimes he would say he felt safe and comfortable everytime I'm around which I'm happy for. Today all five of us visited Jimin again.

"They said they can give me an ambulance to go to this place where the Blue Ternate is. It's a herbal plant that can help mental stuff so hopefully it'll be good" He said with a small smile. "Let's just trust the doctors okay Jiminie? I'm sure it's for the best" I said rubbing circles on the back of his hand using my thumb.

"Alright hyung" Jimin said with a small smile. "Okay sorry to ruin your moment but Jimin can walk" Hoseok said and we all just looked at him. Jimin giggled and nodded "Yeah no need to be overdramatic hyungs ans Taehyung" Jimin said and smiled.

"And for some reason the doctors doesn't want me to discharge. I'm running low on money... " Jimin said mumbling the last part to himself and he looked at his hands. I ruffled his hair and he looked at me, I smiled and he smiled in turn.

"I'll pay" I said "What? No need to hyungie! I have enough money.... Probably. But I'm just gonna be a burden! Don't worry abo-" Jimin was cut off by Taehyung who covered his mouth. "I was getting sick of you speaking bs" Taehyung said with a small smile. We may have talked about... 'it' before but I can see that he still have a little bit of his feelings for Jimin. I don't blame him really.

We were interrupted by a knock. A pretty short male entered with a smile. "Hello, you're Doctor Kim Youngjo's patient right?" He asked. "Yes, and I assume you're Hwanwoong?" Jimin said and the male nodded. "Does he talk about me often?" He asked and Jimin nodded.

The guy, namely Hwanwoong blushed and sat beside us. "I heard he can get discharged later once they come back with the Blue Tea. Yes, Jimin hyung doesn't need to go on an ambulance to go get the herbal plant. And I can cover half of the hospital fees" Hwanwoong said

"What? No! Your boyfriend might be sad that--" Jimin got cut off by Hwanwoong "He's okay with it. I already persuaded him, and it's no big deal, he made you stay so I can see if truly you two are like us. And he's wrong" He said with a -_- face then suddenly he smiled widely.

"You guys are sweeter than sugar I swear I'm about to vomit soon" He said and laughed to himself causing us to laugh as well. There was a knock and soon, Doctor Kim went in. "Hi Woong" Doctor Kim said and Hwanwoong waved at him.

"Jimin can you walk?" Doctor Kim asked and Jimin nodded. "Good, and Woong is right, you're discharged as long as you drink this after your lunch" Doctor Kim said and nurses went in bringing Jimin's food. Jimin looked at the food with a disgusted face and forced a smile at the nurses.

"Oh no no no doctor, I have brought food for Jiminie" Jin hyung said and gave Jimin the food he cooked just earlier. "Okay then" Doctor Kim said and the nurses brought took back the food to be replaced by Jin hyung's better and clearly edible cooking.

"Nice save Jin hyung!" Hoseok cheerfully said "Thank you, I can't bare seeing Jimin eat those dump stupid excuse of a food" Jin said and crossed his arms but softly smiled seeing Jimin opening up the container. "Not only that I bring you four idiots some food too" Jin said and gave us all containers of food.

We just ate and talked about stuff or watched TV.

Jimin drank the blue tea and soon we were going home. We already paid the bills, with Hwanwoong's help too. Jimin was still a bit anxious so they left him to me. We went to Jimin's house and instantly went to his room.

We ended up cuddling and soon we fell asleep on the comfortable bed.


Jimin's POV

"Mama? Papa?" I called out but no one answered. I yelled out an unfamiliar name, no one answered. I was walking around a pitch black place, not knowing where I'm going.

"You waste of space, why couldn't you be like your brother?"

I heard a woman's voice, who oddly had the same voice as my aunt. Although, here my aunt was.... Violent, not like the sweet lady with her husband who raised me when my parents died.

But brother? As far as I know I'm an only child. Could she be speaking to someone else?

"I still couldn't believe your parents were still proud of you. Brat"

This time it was my uncle, he had a harsh cold tone. It didn't sound anything like him, what's going on?

Although, their words are weirdly familiar to me, was it also a memory?

"Stay away from me you disgrace!"

I saw my auntie running towards me with a belt on her hand. I was terrified, I felt my skin ache before the belt could even hit me. It hit my back and I screamed in pain.


Yoongi's POV


Jimin screamed and sat up with tears rolling on his cheeks. "It's just a nightmare baby, calm down" I said and kissed those salty evidences of Jimin's pain. "I'm here, I'll always be here for you" I said and rubbed soothing circles on his back as he hugged me tight.

"Yoongi hyung" He said and cried more. After a while, we separated and I kissed hid forehead. "Want to get some more sleep?" I asked and he shook his head. "Hyung.... Can I kiss you?" He asked, turning red from embarrassment. I chuckled and cupped his face.

"No need to be shy baby, I'm all yours" I said and soon I closed the gap between us. It was passionate, sloppy, but it was pure bliss. Soon we were moving the same rhythm, and we separated a bit to breathe before once again connecting our lips. I swiped on his bottom lip for entrance so he granted me and our tongues fight for dominance, me winning of course.

We separated gasping for air. I gestured for Jimin to come closer so he did and we ended up cuddling again. "I love you Jimin" I said and kissed the top of his head. "I love you too hyung" He said and smiled at me.

This boy can make me fall harder just because of his smile. Damn I'm whipped.


I actually planned on putting 'The Reveal' here too but that would be so long and if I was a reader I'd be too lazy to read that too :')

Next chapter is long for sure but that's the whole answer, the whole story. Your theories (in your minds cause only one of ya'll told me hmph 🤧😤) will be answered soon :))

Thanks to UwUSmolBeanOwO for reading and supporting this ff! I'm so glad you liked it and your theories will finally be answered soon :)

Expect a triple update but I'll publish every single one after I write everything. If you're still here by now you'll know I proofread none of these 😂

Hope you enjoyed! Have a great day/night! Stay Awesome and Happy!

Good Bye


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