Chapter 6 ~ Stupid Smirk

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Gerard's pov

I was going to tell him. Today when he comes into my room I'm just going to tell him. Maybe he'll like me too! I'd doubt it though, I'm a schizophrenic freak that's suck in this place for three more years, making it 6 years in total. 

Frank has been my nurse for almost a year and over that year I have fell over heels in love with him. We sometimes will just sit on opposite sides of my room and look at each other , and the way he looks at me gives me the slight hope that he might like me as well. He was truly beautiful, sometimes when he was writing down my progress his hair would fall in his eyes or when he smirked at some dumb joke I made. He was the perfect human being.

As I was thinking about the short nurse there was a pounding on my door.

"Gee it's time for therapy!" His voice poured through the door. And in that moment it felt as if my breath got caught in my throat and I could form a sentence, "Gerard are you okay? I'm coming in." He said swinging open the door. His eyes fell on me.

Sat on the bed mouth slightly gaped, my eyes widened looking up and down his body. That's the thing I like about this place, as long as the nurses wore this white jacket they can wear whatever else they want. Frank always wore black skinny jeans which fit him great.

"Gee what's wrong?" Frank asked as he walked towards my bed, sitting down next to me, placing a soft hand on my shoulder.

"I-I have to tell y-you something." I said stuttering over my words.

"Really, what?" The hand touching my shoulder fell to his sides as he pulled his legs onto the bed.

"I-" my voice stopped, I couldn't, but I knew I needed to, "You are..." I stopped my words again when Frank placed his hand on my own and shifted closer.

"I have something to tell you too." He smirked and moved his head closer to mine so our foreheads were touching. "I think I'll show you." And with that he placed his lips on mine.

His hands gripped my arms keeping me in place. He bit my lips and pulled away.

"I really like you Frankie." I finally said putting my hand on his cheek.

"I really like you too, Gee." He smiled before moving to kiss me again.

Maybe I could getbetter.


Just a lil filler

I hope you enjoyed

~Lauren ^-^

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