Chapter 9 ~ Touble In WaterStone

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Vic's pov

Kellin has started to shut the world out. For the first day I was staying in his room he acted as he usually did, but now he was turning cold. He wouldn't speak to me or to anyone. He acted as if no one was even near him.

"Kellin you have to eat something please." I begged him. He was laying in his bed facing the wall.

He stayed still not even giving me a grunt in response.

"Sweets you're going to get sick if you don't eat anything." I rubbed his arm. He hasn't left his bed in two days and as his boyfriend/nurse, I have the right to get upset.

"I already am sick, leave me alone." Hes poke sharply shrugging me of his shoulder.

I groaned and placed a kiss on his forehead before starting my day. I left the room closing the door quietly behind me.


The day was almost over and I still hadn't seen Kellin. I was walking back to my room when Lauren ran up to me.

"Vic have you seen our new patient?" She asked in an alarmed voice.

"What know who is it?"

"This girl named, Dani. She has Jenna as a personal nurse and all she does is hit on her."

"Who cares, Jenna loves you and only you she won't cheat on you with a patient." I said as we continued to walk down the hall.

"You're right, I'm going to go check on them."  she ran down the hallway.

I stopped at Kellins room and opened the door. The white room was dark because of the close  blinds.

"Kellin? Sweetie?" I said opening the door.

"Leave me alone." He groaned.

"No you have to tell me whats wrong." I started to stand my ground. He quickly shot out of bed and looked me dead in the eye.

"You want to know whats wrong, I'll tell you whats wrong." He said standing up walking over to me, "I'm sick, and I'm not getting better. I was 15 when my life went to hell. 15! I should have been going out with my friends having fun, going on dates, living my life. But I went insane and wouldn't leave my room. When I was 19, I was getting into college, I was getting into this hell hole. I'm 21! I want to go out and get a drink with my friends. But I fucking can't because I'm sick and no one out of this place wants to take care of me. Wanna know something. You have to take a test to see a if you're well enough to get out of here. I passed that test 3 times but no one will come get me and they can't just dump me on the street so I can't leave. I'm stuck here even if I get over my immense depression I'm stuck here forever."  His eyes started to shed tears.

"Kellin I didn't know that I'm sorry." I said bringing him into a hug. He instantly slapped my arms away.

"Don't touch me."

"Whats wrong!?"

"Today is my birthday, I am now official 22, today was also the day my parents kicked me out on the street because I was mentally unstable. Today 4 years ago I walked into this place for the first time for the rest of my life."

And then he left the room, slamming the door behind me.


Dani is @gerardmywaydowntown she's my bae and wanted to be evil so.

She is the rude Canadian.

And she worships me


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