Chapter 14 ~ Paperwork

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So some freaky stuff happens

heres your warning

Kellin's pov

The week was slowly running out and Vic decide that he has to start filling out the paper work so that I could stay with him. There was like a mountain worth of papers he had to read and sign, and he actually had to read them he said 'their more important then the terms and agreements.'

"Vicky I miss you." I whined walking into his room, that now doubled as my room as well. He was sat at his desk paying no attention to me.

I closed the door behind me and made sure to lock it as I jumped onto his bed. Crawling across it in a stalking way. Yes, I was trying to be sexy. Vic didn't even turn to look at me, he kept his pen moving on the paper as I fell down onto the bed, landing on my face. Popping up on my elbows again I moved a little bit father across the bed so I was looking over Vic's shoulder. I started to place light butterfly kisses on his inner neck. Vic's hand stopped writing for a second as he took a sharp breathe.

"Kellin stop." He said trying to sound stern but I knew he wanted me to continue, so I did. Moving my head up a little bit I started to suck underneath his ear, making him moan beneath me. He put his hands on top of mine that were resting on his waist. "Kellin I really have to fill these forms out." He titled his head so I could kiss his neck better.

"Tomorrow." I bit down. Vic's breathe hitched as he pulled my hands off him. I shuffled back with a smirk playing on my lips. He quickly spun to face me and pushed me onto the bed. The second my back hit the soft cushioning Vic fell on top of me keeping our face an inch away from each others.

"You think you can seduce me and not expect me to get turned on?" He said as he started to fumble with the buttons on my shirt. Once all the buttons were undone my pale chest was revealed and Vic trailed his fingers down my stomach, moving to work on my pants.

"That's what I was aiming for." I said moving up to kiss him. Vic quickly popped the button on my pants and tossed his shirt off before pulling them of me.

"Help me take my pants off." Vic requested. I followed instructions by bringing my hands up from my sides and fumbled with his zipper, occasionally bumping into the bulge in his pants making Vic groan.

We moved our selves so that my head was resting against a pillow and Vic remained over me. Once we got rid of his pants Vic started to kiss down my chest, gradually moving farther and farther down my almost completely naked body.

"Now, we won't be needing these." Vic chuckled playing with the hem of my boxers before practically ripping them off me. "You have to be quiet, Mike and his friend are in the other room." Vic whispered in a husky voice. I couldn't speak without letting out a moan so I just nodded my head shut my eyes as I found my hands tangling themselves in Vic's hair.

Vic placed his lips around half of my length, while his hand wrapped around the other half. Pumping my member into his mouth, I concealed my moan's for the innocence of others.

"Fuck." I quietly moaned. I pulled on Vic's hair a bit, bucking my hips to signal I was getting closer to climaxing. He started to flick his tongue around my diddle (penis) making me shiver.

I climax with a groan. Vic climbed back up to where I was laying and pulled the covers over us.

"I guess that paperwork can wait til tomorrow."

So that was the first time I've ever written smut.

I dig ladies so I don't even know what a dick is.


With Love,

~Lauren ^-^

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