Chapter 10 ~ Gone To Hell

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Vic's pov

Everything Kellin had told me was a lot to take in. He was able to get out of this place, but no one would get him. I was currently holding him in my arms petting his hair.

"It'll be okay Kellin, I'll get you out of here." I whispered.

"How? I'm stuck here forever." He cried.

"You can live with me and Mike." I knew the idea was far fetched but I had to try.

"I need a gurdain to sign me out."

"I'll talk to Jermey! We'll figure something out okay sweetie!" I said pulling him out of the hug to kiss his forehead. He gave me a small smile. "I'll go right now." I said before sprinting out the door. I ran to the office at the end of the hallway. I took a deep breathe before knocking.

"Come in!" The man's voice rang through the door.  I opened the door and Jeremy smiled at me. "Aw Vic, just the man I wanted to see."

"Oh yes um I'm here to talk about Kellin." I said nervously. Jeremy nodded for me to continue, "Well the other day Kellin told me about his past and how his parents kicked him out and he brought himself here on his own. And then he told me how he actually is well enough to get out but he has no one to take him in. I was just thinking since Kellin and I have became such great friends that maybe if he passe the test again he could come live with Mike and I."

Jeremy looked at me and intertwined his fingers, "Vic are you and Kellin in a relationship?" My eyes were blown out of my head.

"No sir...why would you say that?"

"We were reviewing the tapes and we saw you guys hugging, kissing, and even sleeping together. I know you two probably care very much about each other but this isn't allowed Vic." He said looking at his hands.

"Sir please, Kellin needs me." I begged.

"I know and you need him just as much. But I'm sorry I can not allow this." He took a deep breathe, "I think you shouldn't work here anymore."

"Sir you can't do this. I need Kellin and he needs me. I have no one else besides him and Mike." I begged.

"Vic I'm sorry, you were a very good worker and you helped Kellin but the things you guys do isn't allowed." Jeremy said still not looking at me.

"Okay sir I understand when do I need to be gone?" I gulped.

"Today will be your last day." He said, "you may go."

I nodded slowly and left the room. What am I going to do?


Hey guys so I started a Peterick story call 'XO'

I really like it so you should go read it.



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