Chapter 7

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As me and Erza met up with everyone else at the door, Natsu ran over to me.

"Did Freed bring Sting over to you and Erza?" he asked concerningly.

I slowly nodded.

"Did he seem different to you?"

I nodded again. "He probably was just nervous to see us again." I said. Natsu nodded slowly, looking at me, but then brushed it aside.

"Is everyone ready?" asked Princess Hiswi as me and Natsu finished talking.

We all nodded.

Princess Hiswi gave a small nod, then turned.

Her eyes went stone cold. I've never seen someone so serious in my lifetime, and, it was actually scaring me a little of how bad the situation was.

It wasn't just some person taking the crown.

Little did I know, it only got worse from here.

We entered a small, dimly lit room.

There were two couches facing each other, a coffee table in between them with a few candles on it, and a cows' hide rug underneath.

Princess Hiswi took seat, along with Leorio and another guard next to them.

Me, Natsu, and Erza took a seat on the chair, while Freed leaned on the back of the chair, and Happy stood on the back between me and Natsu.

"This guard here is one of the few people who survived the attack. You guys can ask him some questions while I get someone else with more information." said Princess Hiswi. She stood up, "His name is Abe." she said, and walked out.

"Thank you for talking with us today." said Erza. "My name is Erza. These are my comrades from the guild Fairy Tail."

"Im Lucy." I said.

"Yo. I'm Natsu." Natsu chucked.

"Aye sir! I'm Happy!" he yelled.

"Call me Freed." he said with a wink at the end.

"Hello. Im Abe." he said quietly. He was looking down, not making eye contact.

"Hey. Abe." Leorio said, poking his shoulder. He jumped. "Their over there." said Leorio, moving Abe's head to look up at us.

"S-Sorry." he said quietly.

His eyes were closed.

"Abe here is blind." said Leorio. "Do you want to tell them why?"

I leaned in closer.

"I-It was during the attack. I w-was burned by the fire that it threw at me." he said. He covered his eyes with his hands. "Every once in awhile I can see. But only one thing." he said, shaking.

"What is that?" asked Natsu.

"A Shadow."

The room went silent except for the small noises of the fires fighting the wooden poles on the walls along with the silent water dripping down the cold, metal poles, slapping the table in front of us.

The door creaked.

"Hello Princess Hiswi." said Leorio. Abe quickly jumped up from the chair, quickly walking past Princess Hiswi and out of the room.

Leorio jumped up, chasing after Abe.

Then I looked at the guy that Princess Hiswi had.

"Sting!" everyone yelled.

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