Nobody Wins In The End

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"Hello there, cutie."

Jungkook smiled as he jogged up to his lover, gladly taking the banana milk from his hands. "Sorry I'm late, I had to stay behind and help the teacher with some stuff."

Taehyung nodded, intertwining their hands as they left the building. He made sure the football team watched as he walked away with the boy in arms. Yoongi and Hoseok scoffing.

"Poor kid." Hoseok said as he faced Yoongi. The younger kid shrugged and sighed as he faced him. "We have to tell him before he starts to believe that Taehyung actually loves him." Hoseok quickly turned him around and gasped as they saw the couple at the doorway sharing a kiss.

"I think he already believes that Taehyung loves him."

"Taehyung, pay attention. All of this is going to be on the test." Taehyung groaned, flopping down on his bed. "I don't want to learn ittt." Jungkook sighed as he closed the chemistry book that was in his hands. "Tae, stop complaining and listen. You have a test next week and you have to pass it.

Taheyung groaned, sitting up. "Can't we do something else? I have all week to study." Jungkook rolled his eyes and stood up. "Fine. But you better get an A on that test." Taehyung smiled sweetly and nodded. "Just for you, baby."

Jungkook placed the book back in his bag and picked it up. "I have to go anyways. I'll see you tomorrow." Taehyung scrambled off the bed and pulled Jungkook back into the room. "Woah, what's the hurry?" Taehyung closed the door behind the younger male, dragging him back on he bed.

"Tae- you know I have to get home early." Taehyung hummed in agreement as he peeled the backpack from his boyfriends back. "You have to be home by nine. It's seven." Jungkook rolled his eyes and sighed, giving in. Taehyung snuggled his head on Jungkook's neck, kissing his neck softly.

Jungkook smiled as his hands automatically went to his hair. "I can't go home early?" Taehyung smiled. "Hmm... no." Jungkook laughed and kissed his head softly.

Taehyung's soft kisses soon turned into wet ones as he sucked on a patch of skin that was exposed. Jungkook gasped quickly pulling away in embarrassment. "Tae!" Jungkook gasped as he put a hand over his skin.

"Oh come on. Have some fun."

He Stole My Heart, I'll Make A Complaint.

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