Realistic Batman Fanon Part 1 - Batsuit

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From the Artist:

To sum your commission request it would have been something like: An original batsuit design presented as a blueprint project, that could work in the real world and looks technically accurate and believable with callouts specs that I could print in a large format.

The artist said I can design a batsuit that could be made with actual technology, composite materials, tactical fabrics and so on, and it will take in consideration the range of movements of the human body (arms rotation, abdomen compression and so on), with a good amount of protection etc, of course it would be still relatively fictional, since I'm no engineer, but would be believable (and probably a decent starting point to start making one in real life).  


This is a Batsuit that I commissioned Giorgio Viola to do for me for $150.00 US Dollars. He is on ArtStation (, Instagram (, and Twitter ( Here is the info for the artwork that he told me about: It will be a hi-res JPG file, quite large, 23"x16" (or 59cm x 42cm) black and white, pencil-like, ready to print. I was thinking about a realistic, practical and fully functional Batsuit drawing. Grounded in reality and like a design poster.  

A batsuit, designed it to be an advanced model. The lines are just graphics, the idea was to simulate a height chart. It is almost entirely original, of course, the scalloped cape and the general idea of the suit is based on the iconic look of the character, but nothing specific, so I would say it is 98% original (even if maybe the lines of the cowl, resemble the cowl of the Nolan movies a bit, but it wasn't intentional). The artist came up with the deep hearing system via imagination. The artist would mainly use various shades of dark gray for most of the suit, with black cowl, gauntlets, and gloves, cape and shin guards and boots. With a mix of satin and matte finishes. With some metal details, like rivets, d-rings and the strap rings left in metal color, but it is up to me. The suit the artist made is a pretty decent thought concept.

A print-ready blueprint illustration, that looks like a detailed pencil work, with call-outs of a custom designed, original batsuit with the same characteristics as before (a little bit inspired by comics and movies, but mostly original, and most important, functional). Detailed pencil blueprint/design of a batsuit.

Batsuit Commission Info:

"Should it look like more like a Batfleck suit or a Bale suit?" Neither, make it look original in other words make it look as original as possible.

"Long ears or short ears?" A mixture like neither short and not long either.

"Should have inspirations from a comic look (new 52, rebirth, classic, etc) or totally original (as possible)?" Totally original.

"Fin blades on the gauntlet or no fins?" Fin blade so he could block, disarm and break blades.

"Long boots (knee length) or short boots (ankle length)?" Something that is practical so maybe a mixture but enough to protect and defend his legs from hitting the shin and to protect debris maybe padding.

"Eyes visible or no eyes (white-out lenses or something else)?" Whiteout lenses make and/or describe it as realistic to make it look comic like.

"Cape length?" No tripping and stunt length, describe it as and/or draw it as where if you pull hard enough or try to choke him or blind him he can unclip it.

"Utility belt yes or no?" Yes, and original try to describe what is in it. Draw it as original

"Oriented towards functionality (realistic technology and design) or with a bit of "iconic" Batman design (the fear factor of his look)?" Oriented towards functionality (realistic technology and design)

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