The Enforcer (Story Idea)

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Enforcers are humans who enforce the world of the supernatural.

They are given abilities that make them equal to supernatural creatures. (Haven't decided if it should be plant, magic, technology, or chemistry.)

The supernatural creatures are also scared of the Enforcers because of an incident a few hundred years ago.

There are fewer Enforcers in the world than the supernatural population.

The Enforcers are a small tactical unit.


A single Enforcer wiped out a clan/nest of werewolves and vampires which consisted of over a hundred of their kind by himself with no backup. (Which even a contingent of soldiers equipped with anti-werewolf and anti-vampire weaponry would have trouble with or even a squad or platoon of soldiers equipped with anti-werewolf and anti-vampire weaponry would have trouble with and might even cause trouble for a group of Talons.)

They got wiped out because they (the werewolves/vampires) did an unspeakable act that broked the rules.

The Immortal Guard is the vampire equivalent of the Enforcers but their only job is to guard the vampire elders. They are basically picked from exemplary soldiers throughout history (when they were humans and then turned into a vampire) some of them were from the Persian Immortals back in the Achaemenid Empire and some of those soldiers became trainers for future Immortal Guards (which some people theorize that's where the name The Immortal Guard comes from.))

The Enforcers can't have any identifying marks or tattoos.

Enforcer Abilities:

Fear Inducement

Intimidation Intuition

Class System

Power Bestowal


Physical Attribute Bestowal

Power Via Blood


Regenerative Healing Factor

Peak Human Strength/Enhanced

Indomitable Will

Peak Human Durability/Supernatural Apathy

Peak Human Intelligence/Enhanced

The Enforcer's abilities are still a work in progress and were taken from the Superpower wiki.

Vampire Abilities:



Drink Blood

Transmit Through Blood

The vampire's abilities are still a work in progress and were taken from the Superpower wiki.

Werewolf Abilities:



Transmit Through Bite

As with the Enforcer's abilities and the vampire's abilities they are still a work in progress and were taken from the Superpower wiki.

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