Hope: :(
Y: what happenend?
Hope: I'm sadY: why?
Hope: cos the person that hates me told me that I'm not good at anything else than fucking people
Y: that's.. harsh
Hope: and now I'm on a bench somewhere on campus and I don't wanna do anything
Y: you're outside of your dorm alone at 11 pm?
Hope: yeah I've been here for two hours
Y: why??
Y: go back to your dorm
Y: your roomate is nice if I remember correctly
Hope: I told them I was going with a guy today
Hope: but I didn't
Hope: I felt like shit
Hope: :(
Y: if I was there I would break every finger he has
Y: but I'm not so go back inside and be with your roomate
Hope: I don't want him to see me like that
Y: if he is your friend he won't care and he will understand
Hope: do you think it's bad going with someone different every day?
Hope: or like not every day
Hope: but sometimes
Y: no it's not
Y: it's your body and your life you can do whatever you want
Hope: oh
Hope: do you think it's the only thing I'm good at?
Y: I don't know you that much but I know it's not
Hope: how do you know?
Y: you seem like a really nice and genuine person and someone that everyone wants to hang out with
Y: you seem fun and nice
Hope: oh
Hope: thank you
Hope: I don't think many people have said that to me
Hope: not even my friends
Y: well they should
Hope: thank you suga
Hope: I love u
Y: yeah just go back inside and stop overthinking this
Hope: okay
Hope: you're the cutest
Hope: thanks
Hope: I'm going now
Hope: ily
Hope: 😚
Y: bye..

Colorless Rainbow | Sope
FanficYoongi and Hoseok hate each other They really do That is until Yoongi receives an unknown message Textfic | crack