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Y: help

Jooniejoonieyespapa: ?

Y: so here's the thing

Y: one day someone texted me and I didnt know who it was. at first he was annoying but then I kinda liked him ,, like really like him. He told me his nickname was hope and one day jin said that osmeone called hoseok hope and I was like. oh hey hope so send me a selfie and he did and I was like. fuck. so then I continued talking to him as if everything was normal and he is talking about me sometimes and I really dont know what to say. and he is really different and kinder and really cute when we are talking and now we are roommates which is grEAt just perfect and I don't know how to say this but ikindalikehimmorethanfriendsithinkomgidontknowhelp

Jooniejoonieyespapa: 😟

Y: please help me i

Y: pls🙇‍♂️

Jooniejoonieyespapa: please say sike

Y: joon

Jooniejoonieyespapa: okay okay

Jooniejoonieyespapa: so you like him?

Y: no

Y: yEs

Y: no

Y: no

Y: idk

Y: maybe?

Y: a little?

Jooniejoonieyespapa: eye-

Y: let's say I do like him

Jooniejoonieyespapa: okay

Jooniejoonieyespapa: so

Y: ?

Jooniejoonieyespapa: you are not dating jin?

Y: joon iSTG

Jooniejoonieyespapa: okay okay it was one question

Y: you and I are friends with jin since last year

Jooniejoonieyespapa: ikr🤩

Y: so hOW don't you know you that

Y: Jin is s i n g l e ?

Jooniejoonieyespapa: he is huh?

Jooniejoonieyespapa: yo today he was wearing this baby blue oversized shirt and he was brushing his hair and he looked really really sOFt so I wanted to brush his hair cos it looked soft and I did

Jooniejoonieyespapa: and then he looked really cute while I was brushing his hair and omg

Jooniejoonieyespapa: no homo but he is the cutest boy I have ever seen🤩

Y: joon

Y: what the actual fuck was that

Jooniejoonieyespapa: sorry I just can't get him out of my mind

Jooniejoonieyespapa: no homo tho hehe

Y: will you help me or not?

Jooniejoonieyespapa: omg jin just asked me if I want to play with his hair 🤩

Jooniejoonieyespapa: bye yoonie💘

Y: wait

Jooniejoonieyespapa: 🤟🏽

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