Jinie🌻: I shouldn't have trusted you
Nayeon: it's not THAT bad
Jinie🌻: I showed my parents the papers and they laughed
Jinie🌻: they said our marriage is not legal
Jinie🌻: and they kept laughing for ten minutes:)
Jeongyeon: okay my plan was a failure😔😔
Nayeon: well let's look at the bright side
Namjohn: 🤩 ?
Jinie🌻: what bright side
Nayeon: we still have time for MY plan
Hoebi: what is YOUR plan
Nayeon: omg yall get ready
Jimmy: ....
Namjohn: 🤩
Jcock: 🤠
Tea: I'm always ready
Nayeon: the plan is....
Nayeon: ROBBERY!
Yoongi: ...
Jimmy: 😬
Tea: we
Namjohn: huh🤩
Jinie🌻: what-
Jeongyeon: um
Jcock: 🤠wow
Hoebi: I can already feel it will be fucking stupid
Nayeon: excUSE yoU BRO
Hoebi: okay say it
Nayeon: so yoongie will go rob a small store
Hoebi: no
Nayeon: I didnt finish wAIt
Nayeon: just imagine if yoongie steals from a small shop and jin's parents find out
Nayeon: they will not want to marry their son with him anymore so we WIN😍😍
Yoongi: ...
Yoongi: this is sad
Nayeon: no it is NOT
Nayeon: it will work you'll see😍😍
Hoebi: so let me get this straight
Nayeon: already told you this will never happen
Hoebi: ...
Hoebi: so let me get this bi
Nayeon: yes😍
Hoebi: yoon will go and steal from a shop and then for some reason he won't marry jin?
Nayeon: nononO
Nayeon: LIstEn
Nayeon: yoongi will steal from the shop and thEN he will get CAUGHT😍
Yoongi: I will get caught?
Nayeon: yeah by the police😍😍
Yoongi: ....
Hoebi: no

Colorless Rainbow | Sope
FanficYoongi and Hoseok hate each other They really do That is until Yoongi receives an unknown message Textfic | crack