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Thatboy⚘: famfamfamfamfamgmam

Thatboy⚘: 🚨fam🚨

Y: yes

Thatboy⚘: lemme tElL yOu

Thatboy⚘: so tOday they were talking about how i stare at Yoongi (?) And i was like

Thatboy⚘: anD whAt abOUt iT

Thatboy⚘: but i didn't say that

Thatboy⚘: and then i went to yoongi's and joonie's dorm

Thatboy⚘: cos I felt like it

Thatboy⚘: and then the others were coming ??

Thatboy⚘: and i was like ok cool

Thatboy⚘: but then I saw that Jimin was coming

Thatboy⚘: and I started running

Thatboy⚘: and he saw me on the stairs

Thatboy⚘: and he chASEd mE

Thatboy⚘: like nO boY Im ignoring you

Thatboy⚘: and we were running

Thatboy⚘: the sun was setting everything was great

Thatboy⚘: he was catching up but that was okay

Thatboy⚘: and then I saw someone selling hot dogs

Thatboy⚘: and I stopped he stopped too

Thatboy⚘: we just looked at each other and I told him that I was hungry

Thatboy⚘: and he was like

Thatboy⚘: me too

Thatboy⚘: so we waited in line to get our hot dogs

Thatboy⚘: he got a vegan one🤢

Thatboy⚘: so were eating our hot dogs quietly

Thatboy⚘: and I remembered that he was supposed to be chasing me

Thatboy⚘: I told him that a cute dog was behind him and when he turned to search for it I ran again

Thatboy⚘: and I lost him

Thatboy⚘: but now I don't know where I am

Y: are you serious?

Thatboy⚘: yea and this place lokey freaks me out

Thatboy⚘: there is a 50(?) year old guy with a long beard, long hair, his hands full of tattoos and he is staring at me

Thatboy⚘: he has a thing on one of his eyes like a pirate

Thatboy⚘: do I wave? Should I be polite?

Y: whtfh

Y: do nOT wave

Y: get out of there

Thatboy⚘: I waved

Y: wHyTF

Y: omfg just leave the place

Thatboy⚘: he is coming closer

Y: do you hear me? Am I talking to a wall?

Thatboy⚘: he has a really deep voice and he asked me if I'm lost

Thatboy⚘: he said he can help me find my way back to campus

Y: hoseok you little shit you don't know the guy he might murder you

Thatboy⚘: nah his name is Greg

Y: ???

Thatboy⚘: Greg seems nice

Thatboy⚘: he is humming the tune of Spongebob

Y: why are you still with him?

Thatboy⚘: he is helping me find my way back

Thatboy⚘: he told me that he likes my ears

Thatboy⚘: i lOve Greg

Y: can you be careful? For once?

Thatboy⚘: I'm telling him about jimin and yoongi

Thatboy⚘: he agreed that jimin should have told me that yoongi was his ex

Thatboy⚘: he told me that his wife annoys him sometimes but they talk and they find a solution so he told me to talk to both yoongi and jimin

Thatboy⚘: he is so nICE

Y: you still don't know him

Thatboy⚘: he offered me a cookie

Y: don't take the cookie

Thatboy⚘: I took the cookie

Y: omF

Thatboy⚘: should I eat the cookie

Y: NO.

Thatboy⚘: i ate the cookie

Y: 🗿

Thatboy⚘: WE ARE HERE

Thatboy⚘: close to the hot dog stand

Thatboy⚘: Jimin is still here bOY

Thatboy⚘: Greg patted my hair and told me to stay in school

Thatboy⚘: I will miss Greg

Thatboy⚘: he is gone:(

Thatboy⚘: now I have to talk to Jimin uwjdhakan wHyY

Y: you can't avoid him forever

Y: and next time listen to me

Thatboy⚘: but if I listened to you I wouldn't have met Greg

Y: Hobi there are bad people out there not everyone is like Greg

Thatboy⚘: hobi?

Thatboy⚘: you know my nickname?

Y: ummM

Y: I heard it when I was passing you and your friends on the hallway one day

Thatboy⚘: oh

Thatboy⚘: okAY

Thatboy⚘: well I'm gonna talk with Jimin

Thatboy⚘: see ya later babe

Y: don't talk to strangers

Thatboy⚘: ofc not🤠💕

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