Hobi⚘: bro
Y: yes
Hobi⚘: broooooo
Y: yes bro
Hobi⚘: brrrrrro
Y: r u ok
Hobi⚘: bro I had soooome shit
Y: are you drunk?
Hobi⚘: nooooo
Y: high?
Hobi⚘: heh maybe
Hobi⚘: maybe not
Hobi⚘: sehun gave me sumn
Y: ffs
Hobi⚘: ikr he cant even suck my dick right
Y: h-huh
Hobi⚘: he is not doing it rn
Hobi⚘: one time was enoughhhh
Y: 🗿
Hobi⚘: I've never been high before
Hobi⚘: its niiiice
Hobi⚘: oh no mum said not to do drugs
Hobi⚘: oh no oh no
Hobi⚘: oh no oh no ohnohohnohohno
Y: relax
Y: what did u take
Hobi⚘: I smoked dead grass
Y: you mean weed
Hobi⚘: dead grass
Y: right
Hobi⚘: yoooooo sehun asked me thIs
Hobi⚘: what water taste like
Y: bro
Hobi⚘: but bro ifff you drop your soap on the floor is it dirty or is the floor clean
Y: hold up you might be into something
Hobi⚘: oh bro hear this
Hobi⚘: if 2 vegans are fighting is it still considered beef?
Y: is this a personal attack to jimin?
Hobi⚘: mmmaybe
Y: alright tell me where u are
Hobi⚘: no
Y: yes
Hobi⚘: nope nope nope
Y: are you in sehuns dorm?
Hobi⚘: nooooooo....
Y: I'm coming
Hobi⚘: WOAH
Hobi⚘: sugaaaaa I will see you
Hobi⚘: brooo u won't be this cute little version I have of you in my brain
Y: well
Y: I can text yoongi to pick u up
Hobi⚘: you know yoongiiiii
Hobi⚘: yyyyyoongi
Hobi⚘: no dont text him
Y: why not?
Hobi⚘: yoongi is small
Y: uh
Hobi⚘: he is small
Hobi⚘: really really reaaaallyyy
Hobi⚘: smol
Y: okay he said he's coming
Hobi⚘: smol yoongi is coming
Hobi⚘: so small
Hobi⚘: I bet if I hug him I will feel his smallness
Hobi⚘: and he will be cute
Hobi⚘: and warm
Hobi⚘: and really small
Hobi⚘: and :(((
Hobi⚘: I wanna hug yoongi omg
Y: what is his room number seokie?
Hobi⚘: 121
Hobi⚘: small yoongi is coming
Hobi⚘: woah
Hobi⚘: here he is
Hobi⚘: oh nooooooo
Hobi⚘: he is smaller than I imagined
Hobi⚘: small yoongi wants me to go with him
Hobi⚘: okay
Hobi⚘: byebye suga I love u
Hobi⚘: I love u u u u u
Hobi⚘: 😚

Colorless Rainbow | Sope
FanfictionYoongi and Hoseok hate each other They really do That is until Yoongi receives an unknown message Textfic | crack