Tea: why tf do I have 99+ messages on this gc
Jcock: tae:(
Tea: yes baby
Jcock: do you love me
Tea: yes of course
Jcock: are you sure
Tea: I'm sure kookie
Jcock: so if I did something wrong would you forgive me?
Tea: um yea?
Tea: I mean it depends
Jcock: oh no
Jcock: oh noohnoohno ohno ohnonono
Jcock: ohNOoNONOno
Tea: baby
Jcock: I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm oryrussorry sorrysorrysoryy
Jcock: I'm so soso sorry I love you
Tea: what happened baby?
Jcock: I didn't mean to do it
Jcock: and we didn't do anything else
Jcock: pls don't break up with me
Jcock: plsplspls:(
Tea: kook are you crying?
Jcock: no
Tea: ..
Jcock: yes:(
Tea: just tell me what happened
Nayeon: tea you dumb bitch why did you think my girl yeonie wrote 99+ messages ?
Tea: uh
Nayeon: just so you could rEAD them
Nayeon: now stfu it's still early
Tea: ugh I'm really going to read all those messages😔
Jcock: just remember that I love you so sososos much
Tea: I love you too baby❤
Jcock: :(❤
Jinie🌻: how are you all
Yoongi: I'm forced to lay on my bed and not move
Nayeon: ngl that sounds kinky
Yoongi: no i mean literally
Hoebi: you will stay there for at least two days
Yoongi: :(
Nayeon: yoongie are you alone?
Yoongi: yea:(
Nayeon: het
Hoebi: yes
Nayeon: why tf is yoongie alone and forced to lay down for two days
Hoebi: cos I'm getting breakfast for him
Hoebi: and he should fully heal until he starts walking around again
Yoongi: what do you mean fully heal it's not that serious
Hoebi: if I remember correctly you couldn't walk on your own yesterday
Yoongi: yeah my ribs hurt but now I'm fine
Hoebi: I don't care you are staying in that bed and I'm gonna take care of you

Colorless Rainbow | Sope
FanfictionYoongi and Hoseok hate each other They really do That is until Yoongi receives an unknown message Textfic | crack