Hoebi: are you gonna start saying everything that happened
Jeongyeon: yes.
Hoebi: good luck fam
Jeongyeon: uwu
Jeongyeon: so I stopped when jin got out of the club with joonie
Jeongyeon: jin looked upset and joonie was following him worried
Jeongyeon: I heard Jin saying,, oh my god oh god i can't do this anymore nope it's too much what the fuck ohmygod
Jeongyeon: and he looked really drunk and joonie hobi and I looked at him confused
Jeongyeon: tiny was not even paying attention he was just snuggling up in hobi's arms
Jeongyeon: and like Jin kept going and joonie said,, are you okay jinie? Do you want to sit down for a second?
Jeongyeon: and he went and touched jin's shoulder but jin just flinched and he went far away from him and said,, nononono this is what I mean
Jeongyeon: and then he said,, I don't wanna marry him
Jeongyeon: and he pointed at tiny who btw was looking as content as ever not even bothering to look at what was happening
Jeongyeon: and jin said,, and yoongi is not even bad he is nice but I CAN'T and oh my god I have to marry him because of my stupid parents ohgodohgod
Jeongyeon: and then he kept going like this for like five minutes
Jeongyeon: and then it was silence
Jeongyeon: which was surprising
Jeongyeon: and joonie went close to him and tried to hug him but jin took a few steps back and said,, and you. You. It's your fault. It's you. No don't touch me
Jeongyeon: and joonie looked confused and he said,, jinie do you want me to give you a glass of water? I'm sure I can find some in the bar.
Jeongyeon: and jin looked at him and joonie continued,, and I can run there if you want so I won't be late
Jeongyeon: and joonie sounded so cute and ready to run to bring water for jinie
Jeongyeon: and jin scREAMED
Jeongyeon: Like literally
Jeongyeon: like
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Jeongyeon: and then he grabbed joon's collar and he said,, THAT'S WHAT I MEAN IT'S YOUR FAULT STOP BEING LIKE THAT
Jeongyeon: and joonie was confused and said in a tiny voice,, like what?