Hoseokie: I saw a big fluffy dog
Hoseokie: and I went to pet it
Hoseokie: and then it barked at me and started chasing me
Hoseokie: but I was fast
Hoseokie: so I hid in the library
Hoseokie: and then I saw a nice old lady
Hoseokie: and we talked
Y: I love you
Hoseokie: ... h
Y: no seokie
Y: I love you
Hoseokie: ...
Y: I'm in love with you
Y: and I know I should say that in person
Y: and I want to
Y: because fuck I love you so much
Y: and you are just so nice
Y: and kind
Y: and perfect and everything
Hoseokie: .....
Y: it's okay you don't have to say it back
Y: I just wanted to get this off my chest
Y: I love you
Hoseokie: ...
Hoseokie: please
Hoseokie: please tell me it's not true
Y: that I love you?
Y: that's very true
Hoseokie: no
Hoseokie: not that
Hoseokie: please tell me it's not true
Hoseokie: please tell me you are not him
Hoseokie: please
Y: ....
Hoseokie: please tell me you are not Yoongi
Y: I
Hoseokie: please
Y: I'm sorry
Hoseokie: oh my god
Hoseokie: oh god
Hoseokie: no nono no
Hoseokie: no
Y: how..
Y: did they tell you
Hoseokie: no.
Hoseokie: I was going to say that I was talking to that lady
Hoseokie: she asked me if I wanted to buy her mattress
Hoseokie: cos it was uncomfortable for her to sleep
Hoseokie: she said she always slept on the left side and now she couldn't
Hoseokie: and then I thought
Hoseokie: oh that's nice suga told me once he sleeps on the left side
Hoseokie: and then it just came to me
Hoseokie: yoongi sleeps on the left side
Hoseokie: and then I started panicking
Hoseokie: because it all started making sense in my head
Hoseokie: every doubt I had these past months
Hoseokie: of course suga is you
Y: I'm really sorry seokie:(
Y: I mean it
Hoseokie: can you at least explain why you were lying all those months? : )
Y: I started liking you
Y: really liking you
Y: and then I found out who you were
Y: and i was scared because if i told you back then you wouldn't talk to me again
Hoseokie: you could have told me
Hoseokie: I get it why you didn't tell me at first
Hoseokie: but then we were friends
Hoseokie: then roommates
Hoseokie: and then..
Hoseokie: this is bullshit of course I would talk to you again
Hoseokie: even if you told me back then
Hoseokie: i mean I would be pissed but it would be okay
Hoseokie: and ...
Hoseokie: you wouldn't even tell me today would you.......
Y: seokie...
Hoseokie: no of course you wouldn't
Hoseokie: how long did you plan lying to me?
Y: i was trying to tell you..
Y: i was gonna do it at the party but then..
Y: i kept thinking about it daily:(
Hoseokie: oh my god
Hoseokie: this can't be real
Y: are you really that upset?:(
Hoseokie: am i-
Hoseokie: :)
Hoseokie: you were the person I trusted the most
Hoseokie: I literally opened my heart to you
Hoseokie: I told you things I never told anyone and you didn't even bother telling me the truth
Hoseokie: you just kept lying... :)
Y: I'm sorry🥺
Y: can we talk?
Y: can you come here?
Hoseokie: no
Y: oh
Y: okay
Hoseokie: I just need some time
Hoseokie: I won't come there
Hoseokie: just for today
Y: okay
Y: i get it
Hoseokie: I'll tell joon to come there
Y: no it's okay
Hoseokie: it's not
Hoseokie: you told me you are scared to sleep alone
Hoseokie: he won't mind
Y: okay..
Hoseokie: okay
Y: again im sorry:(
Hoseokie: me too
Y: :(

Colorless Rainbow | Sope
FanfictionYoongi and Hoseok hate each other They really do That is until Yoongi receives an unknown message Textfic | crack