Prologue: Now we are here

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"I am telling you got the wrong Sonic."

"You are just delusional, hopefully, Amy will make you remember."

    Sonic fixed his brown scarf and tighten his sport-tapes as he wanted to go back home as soon as possible he honestly couldn't think of how worried his friends might be right now. Its already been a couple of hours since his fight with Lyric and somehow that sent him off somewhere else in the universe or dimension. Sonic didn't know how but he knew for sure that the power of the Chaos Emeralds had transported him somewhere. This wasn't the Knuckles he knew, the Knuckles in front of him sounded more... intelligent. However, something perked his interest. How will the Amy, Tails, and Sticks from this dimension be?

" she here?"- Sonic asked Knuckles who was still with him in the nursing room. Even though he said that he was alright, Knuckles had insisted on staying and be with him.

"Yeah... She is just talking to Shadow about his spy mission....seems like you didn't forget it at all...mmm now that I think about it...did you grow Sonic?"

"What? No, I-"


Sonic then saw Amy open the door suddenly, a smaller Amy, with a cute pink dress. He saw tears run down her face as he stood up from his bed. He didn't care if this wasn't his Amy, he just didn't want any Amy to be suffering and less because of him.

    Amy went running towards him but as she wanted to hug him, she hesitated as if she was asking for permission. Sonic found this strange, even though he says he is too cool for all the sentimental stuff, he will always have a soft spot for her. He decided to take the initiative and hugged her and this fact made Amy's heart race as she thought that this was a miracle. They both didn't want to let go as the thought that if they let go of each other's arms, they will never come back to each other.




    Everything was starting to go back to normal after six months in Hedgehog Village. Amy and Shadow were doing grocery shopping, even when the villagers seemed to be moving forward after Sonic's apparent death, Team Sonic was still very affected by it. Knuckles didn't exercise as often, Sticks didn't complain about the government as much and Tails indulge himself on his machines. Tails knew that Sonic wouldn't have wanted him to be affected by his death...he needed to be strong for the rest of the gang just like Amy was doing.

Amy was picking up some fruits and vegetables so she could make some food for her team while Shadow was picking up the ingredients to bake cookies. No, Amy and Shadow were not dating. Amy couldn't really think of much about it after Sonic disappeared, Shadow knew and accepted that. He will still wait for her, whenever she felt ready.

"I am sorry, I am lost can you help me find my way out of here?"

Amy felt a small tab on her shoulder as she turned around she dropped her basket, tears couldn't even come out because of the shock as no other than Sonic The Hedgehog was standing in front of her...




    Dimension traveling is a complicated thing. In one world 6 months have passed, although you felt like it was just a couple of hours. This was the case of Sonic The Hedgehog who was currently sitting down in front of who seemed to be a taller Amy Rose, definitely not his Amy or at least that's what he thought.

"Now explain to us...what happened?"- Shadow asked Sonic who looked so small compared to him. Tails, Knuckles, Sticks, and Amy where there.

"No! I am telling you...I am not from here, I need to go back to my world! And now!"- Sonic was desperate, Eggman could be attacking and hurting his friends right now.

" are not our Sonic"- Amy looked down to the floor. She didn't want to cry, but watching Sonic, not hers but still Sonic from another dimension was completely heartwarming. She was happy and sad, she never thought she would see his face again. Shadow noticed this and couldn't do much. Shadow was slowly losing it. He didn't want to admit it but he wanted Amy so bad. He will always support her, but he didn't want her mourning the death of Sonic all of her life.

"I am sorry Amy...but I really need to go back to my own world...I need to go back to my Amy"- Sonic blushed and he stood up in order not to be seen. He didn't want to show his weak side to anyone, not on the moments he needed to be strongest the most.

"How long did it take you to get here, Sonic?"- Tails asked him, already he was making a theory on his head.

"The last thing I remember is fighting Infinite...then I collapsed...then I woke up on the beach a couple of hours ago?"-Sonic answered and he looked over to Knuckles, amazed...he was HUGE!

"In our has been six months ever since out Sonic disappears...maybe...this Sonic and our Sonic got switched!"- Tails said out loud, finally realizing that his theory might be true after all.

"Just think about it...our Sonic used the power of the 'Chaos Emeralds' in order to make Lyric disappear......Sonic didn't want to die, the transfer himself somewhere else unconsciously... we can't have two Sonic's in our dimension due to that will cause our world to destroy itself...That's why you and our Sonic switched places! Our Sonic is still alive in your world!"- Tails finished saying.

"How are we going to get him back?"- Sticks asked.

"I have been working on this travel machine, although I still need a couple of months to finish it... but I can totally do it"- Tails said.

"Didn't you say there can't be two Sonic's in the same dimension or the world will destroy itself?"- Shadow didn't want their hopes up just for them to be destroyed by reality.

"In my dimension, we have had two of me in the same place before...nothing happened... I believe that physics of my world and yours are different"- Sonic added, ready to follow whatever Tails had in mind.

"Then, there should be no problem with us being there as well with our counterparts"- Tails then looked up to Amy and added.

"Amy...we are going to see Sonic soon...we are!"

Amy smiled at Tails and then looked up at Sonic and smiled at him as well. The smile was different, and Shadow noticed. Amy looked happier, full of hope, and her eyes shining. Shadow missed seeing this side of her and he hated not to be the cause of Amy's change. He hated knowing that in the six months he had been with her, he couldn't make her smile, not even once. However, this Sonic was here for only two hours and he already made her happier than he could ever do...Shadow got the Wrong Impression of Amy.

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