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Modern Shadow:

    I didn't need this at the moment. I didn't have time, nor the patience to be doing this.

"So, what do you think? Sports tape or new rings?"

    Boom Amy showed me each item that she mentioned and just sighed as I got out of the small shop. She mentioned something about buying her world's Shadow a gift, due that his birthday was coming up soon.

"Shadow, wait!"

"If you want something from me, just say it", I turned around, annoyed. However, looking at her concerned faced made me relaxed.

"Well, it's just that... I wanted to ask. If there was anything going on between you and modern Amy"

"And you care because?", that she looked like my Amy didn't mean I had to be nice to her nor give her all the answers she was looking for. I know nothing of her, and she had done nothing to gain my trust either.

"because...because...I am trying to figure out, my own feelings...about him, and I feel like if I know what this world's Amy is doing and why then I will get a better understanding of my feelings and myself"

    I took a second to look at Boom Amy and appreciate her factions. She may not have gained my trust, but at least I could tell she was being honest.

"specify 'going on between Amy and me"

"Do you...have feelings for her?"


"Like romantically"

"Me? Having romantic feelings for her? Look, I don't know how your world's Shadow is but he must be really weak and stupid to think even about having feelings...for you"

    I kept walking but I heard footsteps coming near me. Boom Amy was right next to me, looking more concerned at this point.

"My Shadow used to think like that too and now...well now he has been clear about his feelings for me for a long time"

"Well, Amy and I are just comrades, we just work together in order to achieve the same goal that's it", I really wanted to just run and leave her there but if anything were to happen to her then I would be the one to blame and at this point, I couldn't afford that.

"You don't seem like the type to stick with the same person for a long while"

"Actually I do, I am the leader of my own team"

"Oh, and where are they?"

"Working on their individual tasks right now, we will meet them later"

"And if you are the leader, why don't you go help one of your team members?"

"They can handle it themselves", I was getting more and more annoyed, at this point, I was planning on risking it all and just leave her. She wasn't stopping and she was getting closer and closer to me.

"They why don't you just leave?

"What?", I turned around ready to finally show her how done I was done with this conversation.

"You could leave and go find your team-mates by why stay?

"The resistance needs me"

"The resistance? We are only seven in the group right now and even so...they need you to do what?"

    She actually had a good question now...why was I staying? It would be faster if I began recruiting the missing people by myself. What was attaching me to this place?

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