Never Ending

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Boom Amy:

    It wasn't like I wasn't expecting this reaction from him. I learn to expect the least on people but deep down I thought that Modern Shadow could be different. Once again I was disappointed, not at the fact that he did n't like modern Amy but because of the way he expressed himself about her.  I didn't want to think that my Shadow, deep down was like him.

    Everyone was quiet, there was no much to say. Modern Shadow and I noticed that our counterparts arrived at the wrong moment. Furthermore, all of us was expecting something to happen, as if Modern Shadow had an apology. But that never happened. Under the village's lights, the busy roads and the screams of merchants selling their products; nothing seemed to be moving. As if time had stopped at that moment, Modern Shadow then began walking as if his feet were heavy and his body stiff, he walked towards Modern Amy, I took a quick glance at my Shadow and he gave me a worried look hoping that Modern Shadow would apologize...the only thing he did was walk past her. Not even giving her a look, pretending as she didn't exist.

    My Shadow and I didn't know what to do, we didn't know how to comfort Modern Amy or even if we should. A few seconds passed and I took enough courage to speak up:

"Hey, Modern Amy-"

"Hey, folks!"

    We turned around to find Modern Sonic quickly making his way to us and within seconds he was right next to Modern Amy. He must have seen her change of look and just as Modern Amy's smile was non-existence, so quickly Sonic's as well.

"Hey, why don't you two head back to headquarters? Modern Amy and I will take it from here"

    We were fast to understand that he wanted some time alone with her and we were completely fine by it. If there's anyone that could cheer up Modern Amy was her Sonic, although they weren't in good terms either. Boom Shadow and said our goodbyes and carried someone of the supplies as we walked back to the headquarters.








"So, did you find the answer you were looking for?", Boom Shadow was the one to break the silence. It was dark already, the stars were out and from afar we could already see the Resistance Headquarters.

"Answers?", I question him as I looked at him in the eyes. Which was completely a mistake. I had been so focused on finding Sonic this past year that I had forgotten how beautiful Shadow's eyes were under the moonlight.

"I figured that the reason you wanted to help Modern Amy with her current situation is that, you yourself seem to be in a similar situation."

    Once again, Shadow surprised me. I should be used to it already, he knows me so well and vice-versa.

"Yes, and no...but you know what...I don't think it matters anymore". I made a complete stop. Which surprised Shadow and he stopped mistrack as well. Ready to listen to what I had to say.

"Modern Shadow is not you... I realized that since day one, you were gentle and delicate with me. Yes, you were mind control and you probably won't remember but...."

"Well, Amy actually about that-"

"Wait, let me finish", I interrupted him, afraid that I won't have the courage to say what's on my mind if I don't say it right now. "Even if you don't remember, deep down you never meant to hurt me and even in the year that I could only think about were still there, although you were hurting. What I am trying to say is that I don't care anymore what happened in the past, nor if you can't remember... I want to build a future with you Shadow.  And at the end, if this doesn't work, at least we won't regret giving it a try...Shadow..."

    I took a step closer to look at his scarlet eyes, appreciating his quills that were moving freely with the wind. His lips that were tempting me to touch them with mine and his hands that were begging me to hold them and I did. I took his right hand and notice that he never took off my bracelet ring, the exact same one I gave him that night in the old rusty room we shared our first kiss one year one. I noticed him looking at my blue and gold bracelet ring, the one he had made for me.  He had to give up one of his inhibitors rings in order to create it.

    I softly kissed his hand


"I love you"

"I love you"

    We slowly closed the space between us and for some reason this didn't feel right. We both knew we wanted this so badly to just not care at all, but we still had unattended problems and we had to fix that first.  I was about to part ways with him, its not like I didn't want to kiss him but deep down I felt like I wasn't being loyal to my Sonic, even if we haven't talked about our relationship status, when he disappeared I we were still a couple and I was planning to be loyal to him until something else was decided.

    I softly pushed Shadow, but he was fast to grab me by my waist and put me closer to him and forcefully kissed me. I tried to push away again and away but he was so strong that I couldn't do anything about it. I tried to move my face and not move my lips but he quickly made his tongue across my mouth and I got a bitter taste to it. At this moment I knew something was wrong. After a few seconds, he broke the stiffly kiss and I looked at him perplexed and offended.

"Who are you?", I cleaned my mouth from his saliva showing my disgust.

"Don't tell me you didn't like it?", He had a playful smirk and an appealing look.

"I asked...Who.Are.You?"

"I am Shadow The Hedgehog"

"The Shadow I know would never force me to do something I don't want to do... I won't ask again... who are you?"

    His smirk disappeared, his stance changed and the spark in his eyes was no longer there. The aurora around him had changed and I noticed that his body slowly began to di-form. Small weird red looking like cubes slowly appearing around his physical structure, glitches now and then covering him until suddenly a new body came out of what a Boom Shadow used to be.

"You may call me...Infinite"








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