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"Where's Amy?!", Boom Shadow entered desperately into the Resistance HQ.

"Calm down your edge Shadow, wasn't she with you?" Boom sonic had a smirk on his face as if making fun of Boom's Shadow's inferiority.

"No you idiot, we were ambushed!"

"What?!" Sonic and Tails were in unison ready to hear his tale.

"Modern Amy and I were heading back to the HQ when various copies of me and Modern Shadow appeared... I was knocked out and when I woke up, Modern Amy wasn't there"


Everyone turned their heads to face the familiar voice. Modern Shadow had entered the room. Mostly likely hearing about the possibility that Modern Amy was kidnapped.

"That's the only explanation, he is back", Tails went near the massive computer and began to work his magic.

"Guys we gotta go"

Modern Sonic enter the room as well. He looks around to find Tails on the computer as if he was reading his mind.

"What happened?", Boom Shadow asked, worried by the second because he couldn't see his Amy entering the door like everyone else.

"After you left with Boom Amy, Modern Amy began to attack me, I didn't want to fight her but afterward she disappeared..."

"I never left with Boom Amy, I was ambushed!"

"Infinite must of have Boom and Modern Amy"

"We have to go now", Modern Shadow stood up walking around impatiently.

"What about recruiting the others?"

Boom Sonic was never the one to slow down if it means to rescue a friend but being here for a year had made him realize that sometimes waiting and be patience was the answer.

"If you want to go around wasting time instead of saving your Amy then that's you, I'll go and rescue min-"

Modern Shadow then was cut off by the sound of the main computer in front of him. The screen turned red, and a video quickly showed up. Tails didn't think even a second to start playing the video.

"Greetings... I am Neon Metal Sonic and with the help of Infinite, I have captured the two pink hedgehogs and the yellow fox. You have 7 hours to bring me the Chaos Emeralds to Angel Island. I know you have them. Or I will do the unthinkable to them"

Just like that the message ended and that was enough for Modern Shadow to grab Modern Sonic by the arms and questioned him, "WHERE DID YOU HIDE THEM!?"

"CALM DOWN  SHADOW! I GO GET THEM, I'LL BE AS FAST AS I CAN", Modern Sonic didn't think twice as he went out of the HQ with his super speed.

"We won't be able to get to recruit everyone in time. We are going to need to to do this on our own. Sonic will take a few hours at best to get all the Chaos Emeralds in time.  We are going to have to leave as soon as possible. I'll take you all in the Tornado since our main ship is pretty slow", Tails said as he began typing as fast, programming some important things to the tornado.

"Damn it", Boom Shadow and Modern Shadow cursed under their breath, they felt powerless as up to the moment they couldn't do much. They had to wait for Sonic to come back, and that will be in a couple of hours. Hours of torture and not knowing what to do. Modern Shadow moved back and forth tapping his feet desperately.

    'I knew I should have gone with her, I am such an idiot"

"Shadow, may I have a word with you?",

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