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Boom Sonic:

    I had Shadow in my shoulders as I was trying to help my counterpart to put the robots out of our way. It wasn't simple robots, some had lasers, other blades, some bombs. We could run away but having Shadow unconscious was the problem. He most likely hit his head and fast movements could cause problems for his health. It was better to wait for reinforcements and defeat the robots together.

"Do you think you can lend me a hand?"

    I look at my smaller counterpart. It was obvious that I had my hands full, I wanted to reply with a sarcastic reply, but in all honesty, I was already tired of doing so.

"I am a little busy myself"

    Trying to hit a robot without making any fast movements was complicated enough. I was dodging most of the time, I was more worried about Shadow's conditions. This guy was heavier than he looks. I was about to receive a hit by upcoming lasers, for a moment I went blank thinking on what to do. I wanted to move fast but Shadow seemed to be worst by the second. I turned my back and waited for the impact but that never happened. I opened my eyes and as I looked back I saw my Amy blocking the laser with her hammer.

"So, wanna talk now?

    I tried to be as smooth as possible, but damn at that moment I really wanted to drop Shadow to the floor and hug Amy.

"Shut up"


    I saw her smirking and I could tell by her eyes that she wanted to do the same as me. The circumstances to meet each other again after one year were terrible but I guess that's how life had always been.

    I saw Tails, this worlds' Shadows, Amy and Tails come into battle. It took a longer than expected for the battle to end but there were a lot of robots so it was understandable. 

"Are you guys ok?", The shorter I ask the group while I was ready to talk to my Amy.

"Yes, we are Moder Sonic", Tails responded as I was curious to ask about the nicknames. He seemed to have read my mind because as he saw my confused expression he responded.

"In order to avoid confusion, we are calling our world's Sonic, 'Modern Sonic', so you will call you 'Boom Sonic'"

"I see, you got creative with the nicknames". I gave out a small laugh and looked over to small me as he was heading towards Modern Amy.

"Hey, Amy are you alright?"

"Yeah I am ok, give me my space will you?"

    Ouch, even that hurt me. It was strange to see this side of Modern Amy, she was always nice and gentle towards me as my own Amy. However, as soon as this world's Sonic got back, she didn't even go to greet him. She didn't say anything as everyone went to greet him, she just stayed in the corner and after a few seconds, she left the room.

"Its time we go back to the Resistance HQ"









    After putting Shadow on a room to rest, I had finally gotten enough courage to face Amy. I went to look for her and knowing her, she will be where Shadow was resting. Amy was always like that, worrying about everyone. I knocked three times before entering the room, and as I opened the door, I found Amy sitting on a chair next to Shadow's bed. She stood up as soon as she saw me, I didn't give her the time to say anything as I went to her and hugged her. She hugged me back and honestly, I had missed her so much. This past year was a torture without knowing if they were well and there were so many questions I needed the answer to.

"I thinking saying that I missed you is too cheesy for me, but ultimately it seems like saying cheesy lines is my thing"

"If you can't say it, then I'll say for you... I missed you"

"Me too"

    I gave her a smile and I received one back. "Where's everyone else?"

"Sticks and Knuckles stayed back to protect the village and Shadow, Tails and I came here to take you back...but we haven't found Tails."

"I'll go and find him, I'll get the resistance to help us"

"We should do that as soon as possible"

"Tails is my best buddy, I know for sure wherever he is, he will be fine"

    There are more questions that I wanted to ask, but I felt that now that we finally met each other, there will plenty of time for his to ask away. However, there was something he wanted the answer to right now.

"Amy, I wanted to ask...are we like...still, you know...like a thing?"

    I can't believe that I just asked that. It was one of my priorities to always keep my cool but with Amy, that facade seemed to always fall apart.

"I, well, I don't know, its been a year and so much happened like I don't know if you feel the same or-"

"Amy, it's ok...take your time"

    Amy sighed in relief. I didn't want to pressure her, I knew that a lot had to go on in her mind. I wouldn't be surprised if she denied my question. My feelings had been unchanged, but when Amy accepted to date me, she made sure I knew that she had feelings for Shadow and I accepted that. However, a year passed and a lot could have happened. I remember Shadow said he wouldn't interfere with Amy and me, but I had disappeared for a year and the thought of me being dead had for sure crossed their minds. If Shadow wanted to go after Amy, and if Amy still loved him, then I would understand completely. The only thing I wanted was their happiness and if they were each other, then I would be happy too.

"What I can say for sure, is that my feelings haven't changed for-"


"Where is he?!"

    This day couldn't go better. Everything was going well, Amy is here and the resistance just found Tails. As soon as we meet and Shadow gets better, we could go back home using the Chaos Emeralds.

"Metal Sonic capture him"

    Oh, f*** me.


















A/n: Its finally here! The sequel you have been waiting for! Its been a long time I know I said I was going to publish it all in one go, but I honestly couldn't help it and I wanted to show you the first three chapter. I have this story almost done and next week I'll publish the next three chapter. I wrote this in a 14-hour flight and I felt like writing this story with different points of view. Some chapters will have a third person point of view tho. I hope you enjoy this and welcome to the new adventure we about to embark~.

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