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Boom Shadow:

     Just where I was? My head was spinning and it felt like I had made a mistake. Not a big one though but just one of those that are really annoying and you can't just stop thinking about it. However, just what was that mistake? It seems like I don't remember quite well. I remember something else tho... Amy. At least the moments we share one year ago and even that kiss in a lonely wooden house while the young ones were having a great time with their opposites. How unusual... For a moment I felt so lonely and angry. Mostly because Amy wasn't mine to take and the other at myself because I was selfish... I am wanted her with me without thinking that I had already taken too much from that hedgehog. Sonic who had nothing but pure feelings for Amy. Him who had never hurt her. The truth was that he deserved to have her, not me but him.


And there she was with all her glory. I could tell by her face that she was worried about me like she always does.

"I am fine...don't put that face"

"Well now I am going to change to an angry one cause did you just insult me?

"No, I take that back"

Now we had a moment. My stupid feelings still taking control over me as they were telling me to go ahead and tell her that I remember everything.

I wanted to but I couldn't bring myself to do so.

"You fell out of the dimension portal and hit you pretty hard. Are you sure you are ok?"

"Yeah, nothing to worry about...where's Sonic ?"

"He is fine, he out there with the resistance trying to figure out a plan to get Tails back"

Everything began to confuse me. What had happened while I was asleep? Amy seems to have read my expression as she continued the talk.

"We three fell into different areas of this world. You fell into a nearby village, I was close to the HQ and Tails fell into Angel Island. He was captured by the Metal Sonic of this dimension."

"We can't really have a peaceful moment"

"Seems that way"

A quiet moment grew between us as if the both of us wanted to say something but couldn't. I was still in the bed while she was standing in next to the door preparing to leave.

"I'll take my leave then, I'll be in the HQ room, just go straight to this hall and take a left. Take your time"

And with that, she left again. I took a sigh and quickly rested my head against the pillow again. Something felt off. As if something was missing from all of me, it was a weird uncomfortable feeling. But there was nothing I could do about it.

I didn't take too long to get ready, I took a quick shower, put on my hoover shoes and directed myself to go to the so-called 'HQ room'

I have to admit, I was impressed by the sight when I entered. The HQ room possesses a different kind of technology different from our dimension. Even The Eggman from our world will be impressed.

    Then I saw the blue bur. He was looking straight into the computer, next to a small Amy with a dress. He took a moment to look at me and he just smirked, he and I perfectly knew that a warm reunion wasn't in our taste and even after a year, I could only give him a small smirk back.  My Amy was next to him and smile at our little interaction. Lastly, other Tails showed up, he didn't look like my world's Tails I am guessing our Tails is somewhere here.

"Where are Tails?", I broke the silence as I approached Amy and the rest behind the computer. It seemed like the small Amy noticed that we were too tight in that computer of hers because as soon as this world's Tails approached, she made the image larger in the main big screen of the HQ.

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