Chapter 2: Humiliation

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The ride to the Todoroki household was torturous to say the least, Hitoshi hasn't spoke much to his daughter since that night two weeks ago, and didn't know quite yet how to approach her. Emi spent the entire car ride fiddling with the hem of her skirt, unable to put her thoughts in order until they finally pulled up beside their destination.

"We're here." her father announced, breaking her out of her contemplative state. 

She looked out the window and was met with the sight of a tradional Japanese house which took her off guard, she would have expected something a bit more modern from the wealthy business man.

Her father must have felt her dismay because the next thing she knew a hand laid on top of her own shaking one. She stared at it for a few seconds then looked up to see his face, he had a small grin on, which she expects was supposed to comfort her, the action stirred up inner-turmoil. She yearned to be held by him, for him to tell her all will be well, but she couldn't bring herself to forgive him. He had stripped away her freedom, and thrown her life away for his own selfish agenda.

Before she had time to to think about her next move, she felt his hand slipping away. He turned his attention to Hiro, the family chauffeur. He shared a few words of farewell before exiting the car.

Hiro turned towards her, his white hair peeking out of his cap and his freckled face was pulled up in a tight smile. "Good luck, emi" he said warmly, she couldn't help but give him a small tight-lipped smile back.

Her slippery hands opened the car door and got out, her father was staring intently at her, but she paid him no mind as she examined the flowers covering the pathway. She took wobbly steps toward the front door.

Her father rang the doorbell and they waited in silence for a few moments until someone answered.

They were met with beaming young girl, she seemed to be in her late twenties, her white hair had familiar red streaks and was pulled back into a low ponytail, her round face was accentuated with black squared glasses.

"Welcome! I'm Fuyumi." She said brightly as she bowed her head, then proceeded to move to the side to allow them entry.

As soon as Fuyumi let them in, a bulky figure moved towards them. "Hitoshi!" he yelled gravelly as he started shaking her father's hand and patting his back.

As soon as he was done greeting her father, he moved his attention towards her. Emi held her breath, her hands at her sides curled up into fists. He looked more intimidating in person, she thought.

"Emika." He nodded his head at her in greeting, a smirk adorned his face. "You're a real beauty, aren't you? Shoto is one lucky man."  he continued. At that comment, emi felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up.

"I-uh." she said unsure, but was cut short.

"No need to fret child, I meant it as a compliment." He said simply as he lead them to the living room.

whats with this guy?

They sat in the living room, Hitoshi and Enji completely immersed in their own discussion. She was lost in her own thoughts up until Fuyumi came back with tea and took a seat beside her.

"My mother apologizes for not being able to be here today." fuyumi said as she turned towards her.

"It's quite alright." Emi silently thanked the heavens, she didn't think she'll be able to handle anymore introductions today.

"Tea?" Fuyumi asked holding the pot.

"I dislike it, I prefer coffee." Emi said shaking her head.

Fuyumi raised an eyebrow "you're full of surprises aren't you?" she mumbled, a slight smile on her face. "So what do you enjoy doing when you're not high on caffeine?" She asked, clearly amused.

"I-uh enjoy gardening." Emi answered sheepishly, it was quite an embarrassing hobby. Other teenagers spent all hours of the day inside, playing video games and binge watching television, and she was outside growing and watering all sorts of plants.

Fuyumi put her hand over her mouth and stifled a laugh, "Seriously?" she asked in bewilderment. "You weren't what I expected at all!"

Something about that comment hit a nerve, Emi felt irked. "What did you expect?" Emi retorted sharply.

"Well-" They were cut short by someone entering the threshold of the living room.

"Shoto!" Enji yelled in shock, he had clearly not anticipated his son's sudden intrusion. Any exclaims went unheard as shoto continued his stride across the room until he stood infront of his wife-to-be.

Emika's hand went to her sides as shoto started to asses her carefully from head to toe, until his eyes found hers, he didn't say a word and had an expressionless face on. She kept her head high and her eyes looked back into his in defiance. 

She would not be intimidated.

A few moments passed as she explored his features. He was relatively tall, her neck strained from looking up at him. His hair was split into two different colors. The right side of his face had white locks going down just above his gray eye, Unlike his left side that had red strands right above his light blue eye, and a burn scar covering it. This piqued her interest, she wondered where he had got it from, it looks old.

While she was theorising, he took one last glance at her before he turned around and started making his way out of the room. His father started yelling at him for his improper behavior.

"It's alright, Enji." Hitoshi interrupted him. "He's probably had a bad day." He continued, assuring him that Emi did not take it to heart.

Emiko dropped her head and looked at the floor, she felt tears stinging her eyes. She felt humiliation wash over her. After a few moments she willed the tears away, raised her head once more and swallowed the lump in her throat.

What the hell was that?

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