Chapter 7: Shoto

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It's my birthday.

Emi thought, as she stared up at her ceiling. She turned her head towards the clock resting on her nightstand, it was already past 12. With a sigh, she rose from her bed and headed towards the bathroom.


By the time she went down the stairs, her ears were met with sounds of strange men leaving and entering the house whilst carrying multiple plants, and the sounds of beeping from construction trucks. She looked around at the men passing her quizzically, then decided she'd go ask Lucy.

"Uh.. Lucy? why are there strange men in my house." She asked as she entered the dining room. "And why are there freaking construction trucks parked in front of the house, they're so freaking loud!" she whined.

When she reached the doorway, she was met with the sight of todoroki seated at the head of table holding a cup, talking animatedly to Lucy who stood beside him carrying a tea pot.

"Todoroki?" she asked baffled. Todoroki was never home when she woke up, and was always at the company during lunch time. She was eyeing him warily when she took her seat across from him at the table.

"Good afternoon. Did you sleep well?" He asked, putting his cup down. He locked his hands and leaned on them while studying her.

"What are you doing here?" She asked, skipping the small talk altogether.

"What?" He asked leaning back in his chair, At that Lucy took it as her cue to leave the room. "Can't I have brunch with my wife?"

She scoffed, and crossed her arms. "What's going on? and what the hell is happening outside?" she said pointing to a worker passing by the window.

"It's your birthday." he said picking up his cup, making her still in her spot.

"How-" she asked but was cut off.

"Your father told me, so.. I decided I'd give you a birthday gift." he said simply.

"And the gift is..?" she asked, a bit bewildered.

well, she didn't expect this at all.

"I heard you liked plants, so they're starting a garden for you." he said and attempted to smile. "And don't worry, they're leaving a small area where you can plant whatever your heart desires."

Her face turned full on red, and she felt her ears burning from the sheer embarrassment. Fuyumi told him about her "Hobby" .. she didn't get it, why'd he go this far? It was so out of character, he never did anything spontaneous .. he probably did it because his father told him to, she thought. 

"They've been here since the early morning, they should be done by the evening." He said as he stood up. "I'll take you to see it then." and with that he left the room.


Emi tried to peek outside the whole day, but Todoroki wouldn't let her. Every time she would try to move the curtain aside to get a glimpse of the garden, he would slap her hands away. As the evening rolled around, she was practically jumping.

She followed Todoroki, and spotted mara who was wagging her tail by the door. She smiled at the dog waiting patiently to be let outside, it was a total surprise when they found out it was a female.

Since they adopted her, she broke a total of four vases. Todoroki was obviously frustrated, but kept shut about it, he wouldn't admit it but emi knew. It was obvious he loved the dog, she noticed the little treats he would give her from time to time and how at ease todoroki is when she would lay down on him while he was watching his favorite television series.

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