Chapter 9: Stay

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Emi had been quite after her conversation with raven, leaving the room with her head spinning. As her family members questioned her, she nodded and shook her head wordlessly.

Todoroki knew something was off, but decided he wouldn't question her in front of their family members. So he left, with her father and his in tow.

He had been absent the whole day, and it was nearly midnight.

She sat in the living room, her eyes shifted between the ticking clock and the door.

She was a wreck.

One of her hands held the earring so tightly her knuckles turned white. While her other hand was fisting her skirt. She took a few deep breaths, trying to steady her beating her heart but to no avail.

When she heard a car pull up in the driveway, she closed her eyes tightly. Patiently waiting, until she heard the front door creaking.

"Emi?" Shoto asked, causing her to open her eyes.

He stood by the door, looking at her. Slightly confused; waiting for her to explain why she was seated at an hour so late. He was loosening his tie, and looking at her expectantly.

She stood up, her shaky legs barely holding her up. "Is something the matter?" He asked, clearly concerned when she didn't answer him.

"I'll ask again, and if you don't answer truthfully or so help me god." She said through gritted teeth.

"What's going on between you and momo?" She asked, clutching the earring even tighter.

"Where is this coming from?" He asked, getting closer until she raised her hand stopping him halfway.

"Answer me." She half yelled.

"Nothing." He huffed.

"Really?" She asked, her blood boiling at this point.

He nodded. "Then what's this?" She asked, holding the earring up.

Judging by the look on his face, he wasn't expecting that at all. Upon seeing the earring, his eyes widened. He was looking between her and the earring, opening his mouth a couple of times but kept quite.

"It's not what you think." He eventually said, coming closer.

She backed up a few steps. "Don't come near me." She was yelling, her voice cracking.

"Okay okay." He said, holding his hands up in defeat.

"Tell me the truth shoto, for once." She pleaded, tears threatning to spill from her purplish-red eyes.

"I did have a relationship with her, in the past." He said, his eyebrows furrowed.

"I knew it was wrong, she was married .. but I hooked up with her a few times." shoto continued.

"When was the last time?" emi asked, closing her eyes in fear of the answer.

"Emi.." he said, fisting his hands.

"When?" She asked, opening her eyes and looking at him.

"The day we met." shoto confessed.

Emi felt sick.

She clutched her stomach in response to the wave of nausea that took over.

Her hands flew to her mouth shockingly, there was no stopping the tears that slid down her face.

"We were engaged, todoroki!" she yelled.

He flinched at the use of his last name. "We were engaged! and thats where you went after you humiliated me?" emi asked turning and walked towards the staircase and started climbing, almost tripping from her blurry vision.

"Emika! wait." he yelled, running after her.

When she reached the top, she turned towards him. He was standing at the bottom, holding the handle and looked hesitant on whether to approach her.

"Emika, I love you." he said, voice cracking.

She winced, and felt her heart sinking.

She felt so torn.

"Get out. I don't wanna see your face." She declared, turning and continued towards her room.

She sprinted towards her room, and sat on the bed. It wasn't until she heard the front door closing, did she stop holding herself back.

She wept, and glanced at the phone on her nightside. Emi picked it up, deciding to call the only person who could comfort her the way they always did.

The phone rang a few times, until she heard a familiar female voice.

"Emi?" her mother asked.

"Sweetie? Is something wrong?" her mother asked, worriedly upon hearing her daughter's cries.

"Mommy.." she said in a small voice, and started telling her mother what was tugging at her heart strings.


"Mrs Todoroki! You have a visitor." Lucy yelled from downstairs.

Emi glanced at the clock on her nightstand, it was a bit past midnight. She got off the phone about an hour ago, and her head was pounding from all the crying. She certainly wasn't in the mood to entertain a visitor.

She was going down the stairs, when spotted her father climbing towards her.

"Father?" she asked incredulously.

He looked up towards her, hair ruffled. "Hey Ems." he said, smiling weakly.

"What do you want?" She asked, her initial shock wearing off.

"Can we talk?" He asked.

She was hesitant at first, then nodded her towards her room.

Emi walked towards her bedroom, her father following suit. She opened the door, allowing him entry and went to sit on her bed, folding her hands and staring at the floor. He hesitantly sat on the bed beside her.

"Your mother told me what happened." He started.

"Father.." Emi pleaded.

"I was wrong." He interrupted.

Her head snapped towards him. "I should have never forced you to marry him." he clenched his fists, clearly not wanting to mention shoto's name.

"Divorce him, if that's what you truly wish to do." he looked towards her.

"But father, the company-" emi started but was cut off.

"To hell with the company, I'm putting you first." he said, placing a hand on her head.

"It's what I should have done from the beginning, I was obsessed with the idea of expanding I didn't think about what really mattered. So, the choice is yours." he said, leaning to kiss her forehead.

"Father.." Emi said, feeling her throat constricting at the wave of emotions she's experiencing.

"I missed you." she said, throwing her arms around him.

"I missed you too." he said, embracing her tightly.


The choice was finally hers.

Emi didn't know what to do, should she leave and reclaim the life she's lost?

or stay with shoto?


Short but angsty chapter :) .. Ahhh this story is coming to an end soon!


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