Chapter 6: Yaoyorozu

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"Try it." Todoroki said simply as he set the cup of tea in-front of her.

Emi looked at the cup and grimaced, "No way." she said leaning back and crossing her arms.

"Stop being stubborn and try it .. you can't just keep rejecting people's offers of tea, its rude." todoroki said and looked like he was running out of patience.

She huffed in defeat and picked up the tea, if this was going to get him off her back she'll do it. She took a small sip and swallowed it forcefully, "Gross." she shivered and immediately gulped down a cup of water.

"You're hopeless." todoroki sighed, the edges of his mouth twitching.

"Mr. Todoroki?" said Lucy as she entered the dining area, a phone in her hands with her hand covering the speaker.

"What is it Lucy?" he asked worriedly upon seeing her uneasy expression and stood up from his seat.

"It's .." she glanced at emi for a moment then back to todoroki "Yaoyorozu." She said simply handing the phone over then leaving the room.

What was that about?

Emi thought, as she watched todoroki leave the room. She sat and pondered for a few moments, who's yaoyorozu? and why were they acting so strangely?

She was broken out of her daze when he reappeared in the room a few minutes later, his laid back demeanor from earlier replaced with agitation.

"Who was that?" emi immediately asked, her curiosity getting the better of her.

"She's uh .. a family friend." he said as he sat in the chair he abandoned a few minutes earlier.

A woman

He's acting strangely because she called him, the fact unnerved emi to no end. and if she's a so called family friend, why doesn't she remember meeting her at the wedding?

"What did she want?" emi asked quietly.

"She wants to have dinner with us, tonight .. she wants to er- meet you." he said and ran his hands through his multi-colored hair.

She was so engrossed in her thoughts that she didn't realize when she picked up the cup of tea and started drinking it. Todoroki gave her a look, she glanced down at the cup she was holding and started coughing up the tea.

"Hopeless." todoroki said and with a  hand covered the smile that appeared on his face.


Emi inspected the dress she was wearing in her bedroom mirror, it was a crimson tulle dress that ended below her knees paired with black stilettos. She absolutely despised dressing up, at the moment the dress was hugging her chest area too tightly and she could barely feel her toes.

The thing she hated more was going to these so called business dinners, they were usually meeting with men. Many of them were respectful, sticking by their wives side. But some of the bachelors made her blood boil, they would brush their hands against her body or end up staring down her dress.

"Ready?" todoroki asked after knocking on her bedroom door softly.

Emi nodded, they proceeded to make their way to the car outside. She struggled getting in due to her heavy dress but eventually got in. They were silent during the whole ride to the restaurant, which was usually fine with her.

Anyone who knew todoroki, was aware that he isn't a chatty person, but just this one she wished he would tell her anything about this woman they're meeting. She glanced towards him and saw that he was leaning his head against the window, his brows were furrowed deep in thought.

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