Chapter 8: Poisoned

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I feel so cold.

Emi thought, her head was spinning as she lied in her bed and stared at the ceiling. Something doesn't feel right, as she was trying to put her thoughts in order she felt a wave of nausea wash over her.

She sprinted to the bathroom with shaky legs and almost tripped. She lent down on the toilet and heaved.

She vomited for a while before deciding to jump in the shower. She felt disgusted with herself, and the fact that she was sweating didn't help.

Emi wasn't able to stand up in the shower and ended up leaning on the cold tiles. She mustered up enough strength to wash herself quickly and exited the shower.

She tried putting on her clothes but wasn't able to, so she settled in her shower robe that ended mid thighs. 


She held onto the stairs handle as she went down, slowly as not to trip. She thanked the heavens when she reached the dining room.

She heard voices, upon entering the room. It was Lucy and shoto, discussing something that was on the news. Their eyes were glued to the tv, until Lucy noticed her standing by the doorway.

Emi's head was hazy, she put a hand on the door to keep her up.

"Good morning, Emika!" Lucy said cheerfully.

Emi didn't answer and was trying to focus her blurry vision, she was starting to see black spots.

"Emika, is everything alright?" Shoto asked, clearly concerned.

"I-I don't feel so good." She said, using all her strength to speak before losing consciousness.

The last thing she heard was yelling, she wasn't sure who the voice belonged to.


"Sweating, nausea, and fever." A strange male voice said.

"Are you sure doctor?" A female asked concerned.

"After getting the results back, im sure. The girl's been poisoned." The male answered.

Are they talking about me? Emi thought. She felt tired but mustered up enough strength to open her eyes. The lights above her worsened the pounding in her head.

"She's awake!" the female voice yelled, but as the room came into focus emi realized the voice belonged to Lucy.

"I'll leave you to it." The doctor said as he left the room.

"How do you feel?" Shoto asked, he was studying her face. She didn't even realize he was standing beside her head and leaning over.

"Where am I?" emi asked confused, she didn't recognize the room she was in and her blurry vision didn't help.

"You're in my room." shoto assured her and sat on the bed gently.

"I'll get you something to drink." Lucy announced before leaving the room.

Emi felt something wet on her forehead and reached her hand towards it. "It's for the fever." Shoto said, as he removed the wet towel and set it in the bowl resting on the bedside table.

Emi was disgusted with herself and turned her head away from him as she felt the shivers come back, she was completely drenched in sweat.

"I don't want you to see me like this." She said weakly and tried turning her body away from his.

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