Chapter 5: Enigma

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Emika was woken up by the sound of her beeping alarm, she grunted as she rolled over and slammed it shut. She stretched her arms on the enormous empty bed, for some reason she felt that she would never get used to it. She missed her own room, her scattered items across her bedside table. The room she was currently residing in was way too neat for her liking.

She eventually hauled her self out of the comfort of her bed and into the shower, and made her way downstairs to have her very-late breakfast. She passed several maids on the way and briefly wondered why they needed so many in the first place. It was over the top, considering only two people lived in this household. 

She snorted as she passed by todoroki's room which was down the hall from hers. The maids were hard at work and were scrubbing every inch of the beige room, she shook her head and continued her way. She's only been living with her aloof husband for a few weeks but she's learned a few things about him, Mainly that he's an extreme germaphobe. She smirked when she recalled the time he walked into her room whilst she was getting ready to go to dinner with him and his business associates. He looked around in pure horror at her chaotic room and practically ran out of there. 

"Good morning Madam!" Lucy greeted upon emi entering the dining area. Emi met lucy the morning after the wedding, she was a petite woman with bright red hair that matched her bubbly personality and reminded emi of fuji a bit. 

"Morning Lucy, and I wish you'd stop saying that." Emi groaned as she sat on one of the chairs and leaned back. 

"Sorry ma-" she started but was cut off by emi's deadly glare. Lucy smiled sheepishly and rephrased, "Sorry Emika." She said and continued setting down breakfast for the less bubblier girl. 

"Mr. Todoroki sends his apologies for not being here this morning-"

Well he can take that apology and shove it so far up his a-

"but he had some business to attend to." Lucy smiled weakly. 

Emi couldn't care less if he was spending time with her and he probably didn't either, she knew he only said so due to certain maids roaming the house that reported back to Enji Todoroki and probably her father, She groaned internally at how nosy they were being.

"I'm going out." Emi announced, quickly shoving the rest of the food on her plate in her mouth before standing up. 

"Where to?" Lucy asked whilst wiping the windows.

"I'm not sure yet!" emi yelled back as she left the room.


It was mid afternoon when emi tiredly was walking down the street, she willed her legs to move across the pavement and regretted not taking a car to roam around. 

The sounds of yelling and whimpering broke her out of her thoughts and she halted, she looked around and realized it was coming from the alley on her right, she got closer to the source and witnessed a gruesome scene of a man beating a probably stray dog with a.. rolled up newspaper?

She was fuming. 

"Hey! what do you think you're doing, buddy!" She yelled as she made her way to him. As soon as she stood before him, the dog ran to hide behind her. 

"Do you know how much trouble he's caused me? he keeps running into the kitchen of my restaurant and drags mud in with him every single day!" The older man yelled back. 

"Well he's not in there anymore so get inside." emi said while gritting her teeth, she was tempted to take the rolled up newspaper he was gripping and pummeling him bloody. 

He huffed and hesitantly went back through the backdoor of the restaurant. 

Emi calmed herself then turned around to check on the dog, he was wagging his tail when she bent down.She checked for a collar and when she didn't find one confirmed he was indeed a stray. 

"You're not so bad are you?" she mumbled while she petted him, she couldn't help but feel enthralled by him. She decided she couldn't leave him or drop him off at a shelter, and it seemed that he didn't either as he trailed behind her. 


"Emika!" Yelled Lucy holding a tea pot with a horrified expression that matched a certain male who was seated at the table, he held his cup of tea in middair and he wasn't looking at emi but at the dog that trailed behind her. 

"I like this dog, I'm keeping him." she said simply as she pointed at the dog behind her. 

"Absolutely not." Todoroki said breaking the silence while standing up, and for the first time since emi met him was showing emotion, well more like frustration but still it was a change from his usual distant mood.

"last time I checked I also live in this house so If I say I want to keep him, I will." She said with her hands on her hips, and with that she went to the backyard with the dog following suit. 

by the time todoroki found her she was having trouble turning on the jammed knob that turned on the water hose. He leaned back and watched her struggle then decided to break the silence. "He's filthy." and sighed. 

"What do you think I'm doing?" she retorted and started cursing at the knob. He obviously looked like he had enough as he told her to step aside so he could unjam it. 

He leaned down and easily twisted the knob, she moved her head to the side and mumbled "Show off." it was apparent he heard her when a smirk appeared on his face. 

Eventually emi had a bowl of soap and water in her hands, she wasn't really sure how to wash a dog. She dipped her hands in the soapy water and proceeded to lather the dog. 

When she poured the water to clean him he was shaking the water out of his fur and sprayed her whole body. She stood there, shocked at how he drenched her until she heard someone burst out laughing. She looked up and saw todoroki seated where she left him, beside the hose knob.

It irritated her to no end, " You think this funny?" she asked gripping the hose a bit too firmly. He looked up and said " Very much so." and smirked.

The next thing she knew was she pointed the hose towards him and put him in a state similar to hers, His laughing turned into a series of coughs. She dropped the hose and crossed her arms, she knew it was childish but she stuck her tongue out in defiance.

Upon recovering todoroki ran towards the forgotten hose on the grass and started spraying her. She ran around the yard trying to find something to protect herself with while laughing uncontrollably and found her bowl of water and stop.

She picked it up and splashed the remaining water on his head, he held her hands mid-air so it came pouring on both of them, he laughed in satisfaction. 

After spending half an hour splashing each other outside, they received a scolding from Lucy to return inside immediately in fear of catching a cold.

Now emi was seated on the edge of her bed, showered and looking at todoroki who was inspecting the dog that was asleep on the floor. 

"I'll have him taken to get checked by the vet tomorrow." He announced as he stood up. 

She couldn't believe what she heard, he's letting her keep it with no objections that easily?

"I- Thank you." emi said and looked down. 

"Good night, Emika." he said before leaving the room and closing the door before him.  

One thing was for sure, emika thought. Today was indeed a strange day, it was as if something has shifted with todoroki. She never thought she'd ever see him smile much less laugh. Once again he keeps on surprising her, she's not sure what to expect anymore. 

He was an Enigma

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