Chapter 10: Accident

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It had been a few weeks since the night emi confronted todoroki, and a lot has happened since then. When her father came later that night, he had suggested moving back home until she made a decision. So she did, and hadn't talked to shoto since.

She was currently with fuji and Haru, seated in their usual park bench. She tried contributing to their conversation, but her thoughts were all over the place. It was the first time in her life in which she had to make a crucial decision.

If she was given the choice a few months ago, she wouldn't have hesitated. Now, it was different. Something about leaving shoto made her heart ache, she harshly gripped the table.

The last thing he told her was that he loved her, and she practically shut the door in his face. Emi felt the usual lump in her throat, and the stinging of tears.

"Ems?" Fuji asked worriedly.

Emi snapped her head towards her blue haired companion, then noticed Haru was also looking at her intently.

"Sorry." She said half-heartedly, covering her face with her hands. Taking a few minutes to calm her erratic heartbeat, she finally raised her head.

Haru's phone started ringing loudly, making fuji lean in to see who the caller was.

"Fuyumi?!" Fuji yelled, making emi widen her eyes.

"What?!" Emi yelled alongside fuji.

"Jeez! mind your damn business." Haru yelled, snatching his cellphone.

Emi looked around and noticed people at the park were staring at them due to the commotion they've caused.

"Hey Sweetheart!" Haru said cheerfully, answering the phone making emi and fuji raise their eyebrows.

"Yeah I'm with them right now, I'll come over in a bit." He whispered.

They talked on the phone for a few minutes, until he finally hung up.

"Since when!" Fuji yelled.

"Keep it down! .. and to answer your question, since the wedding." he replied.

"Well, I'm happy for you." Emi said, clasping her hands and smiling widely.

"Thanks, Ems." He smiled back.

"And .. I don't mean to overstep but, you should talk to todoroki." Haru said, looking down in fear of backlash.

"I-I mean I'm on your side you know I am .. but fuyumi says he's a wreck. I think it would make you two feel better.." He said, scratching his neck.

"Haru!" Fuji warned.

"No, he's right .." Emi said interrupted.

I'll talk to him, and make up my mind. I can't do this forever, I've already had a few weeks to think about it. Im tired of people handling me like I'm gonna break, Emi thought.


The sun had already set by the time emi reached home, she huffed when she laid down on the bed. Emi loved her friends and missed spending time with them, but its draining at times. 

Her phone started ringing, and she looked at it annoyingly. Who would call at this hour?

She picked it up with a sigh, and saw that it was an unknown number.

Emi hesitantly answered. "Hello?.."

"Hello, sorry to disturb you. Are you emika todoroki?" said a female voice.

"This is she." emi answered, rising from her bed.

"I'm sorry to inform you but, your husband shoto has been in a car accident." She continued.

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