Chapter three

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"Don't you give up na na I wont give up na na"
-Dj Snake ft. Justin beiber : let me love you

Fantasia's P.O.V

The sun snuck in and awoke me. Groaning, I dragged myself out of bed. It was gonna be a long day especially with what Mr Earl told me. As much as I hated to admit it, I needed a friend even if it was just for a little while.

I had a quick shower and threw on normal clothes for once. I had on a white skinny high waist jeans with a plum colored off shoulder crop top,  with Converse shoes. 

I grabbed my school bag off the floor, stumbling a bit with how heavy it actually was ,to check if all my homework was there. Believe it or not, I actually liked being organised. I rummaged through the many books then realised the essay we had to do last night was not in there.

I placed the bag back on the floor and proceeded to search for it. After a while of looking everywhere, I realised I had not done it. Panic washed over me. This was going to be my second offence. If I kept this up, I was going to be just like the snobbish cheerleaders who had the class nerds do their homework for them.

I gulped in fear and took my bag and proceeded to go downstairs. I barely could concentrate on my breakfast, my mind playing different scenarios of how my geography teacher would punish me.

One was where he shouted at me in front of the whole school and suspended me.

The second one was where I got called in by the principal and he gave me a stern warning, then asked me to serve one month detention or help him steal money from the government.

In all honesty, our principal was shady. Probably had one or two criminal records. Not that I did research on him or anything. Okay. Maybe I did.

Yeah. I had a really over reactive imagination.

I did not even notice my mother was in the kitchen until she waved her hand in front of me. "Hello? Anyone in there?" I snapped out of my daze. "Huh?"

"Did you hear anything I said?" She asked furrowing her eyebrows in worry. I nodded frantically. "What did I say?" I smiled sheepishly at her. "Actually look how late it is. I need to get going. Bye." I  hurriedly said , looking at my watch. I got up and headed to the front door in a swift motion.

"Don't forget to take the money to buy the-"

"Yeah after school!" I shouted and left the house. I walked down the road so fast, I reached school in under five minutes and I normally always took my time.

I took a deep breath in preparation before I stepped into the school boundaries. Excuses were already swirling in my head. Perhaps if I got sick the lesson before, I could go home early. Yeah, no. That was highly unlikely.

I adjusted the bag straps on my shoulders and pushed the doors open. As expected there were few people in school since 'normal' people never bothered coming early. I went to my locker to get my bag prepared for the subjects of the day. As I opened the bag, all the books decided to fall out.

Could this day not get any worse?

I dramatically dropped the now empty bag on the floor, and bent down to pick my books up. I was about to grab my geography notebook when another huge hand grabbed it instead. I furrowed my eyebrows to look up at the owner of those gigantic hands. To say I was surprised was an understatement. I honestly thought the bad boy wouldn't want to risk his reputation by being seen with someone ,who could murder his social standing, in one second. Guess I was wrong.

"I believe this belongs to you." He handed it to me and stood up, with a smug look on his face. I followed suit but still hopelessly short and miniscule in comparison to his tall, regal stature. "Thanks." I muttered and shoved it into my locker. I closed the locker leaned my forehead against it and exhaled deeply.

"So I wanted to thank you for yesterday." He began when he realised that I was not going to start a conversation with him anytime soon. I opened my eyes and turned to face him. A small smile was evident on his face. I wondered if he genuinely smiled and how he would look if he did.

I smiled back at him showing all my teeth. He just observed my weirdness quietly. "You look different today." He pointed out. I glanced down at my clothes. "Different? How?" He bit down on his bottom lip making the faint scar next to his mouth more visible. "More attractive. I like it. You , miss, have my full hotness approval." He chimed proudly. I scoffed at his remark.

"I didn't do this for your approval for your information." I rolled my eyes.

"Oh?" He enquired.

"Yeah. I just decided to put in a little more effort today." I slung my bag over my shoulder after closing it.

"Yeah cause you normally put in so much effort every other day." He scoffed. A little mischievous laugh escaping his lightly tinted pink lips. The sound was so heavenly. The way it vibrated from the back of his throat and the deep sound that emanated from his chest,was enough to make me weak to the knees. But I kept myself composed. The bad boy could not see I was also one of those girls he had an affect on.

"And here I was thinking the bad boy actually had a nice bone in his body." I retorted. He glanced at me and that signature sinful smirk found its way to his face once more.

"Oh no." He stepped closer to me till he was barely a few inches away from me. His calm breathing fanned my forehead. Cause yeah I was that short.

"I'm all bad baby." he whispered his mouth positioned by the side of my face. He glanced at me once more and pushed a gold lock behind my ear. The contact of his fingers ,once again, sent shivers down my spine.

He took that moment to walk away and leave me as a swooning mess. As if on cue the bell rang and students I never noticed had came , scurried off /modelled to their respective classes.


It was currently biology and we were having separate classes. The guys in one class and girls in another. We had gotten to the reproduction section and our teacher felt too awkward to teach us girls that section. So he got a substitute 'female' teacher to teach us.

Mrs Harry was talking about the last stage in reproduction. I was focusing intently till Helen who was seated next to me started calling me.





"What?!" I whisper yelled at her when ignoring her hissy voice became unbearable and impossible.

She shot me a glare for a second but quickly covered it up with a smile. A fake one , of course. I tapped my pen on my notebook impatiently.

"I heard you with Anderson." She replied nonchalantly admiring her plastic nails. I choked on those words. Tears appeared in my eyes as I coughed a fit. When I finally stopped coughing, I was met with her blank, unamused expression.

"I'm not with Zach. He is still yours so don't be threatened by little old me."

She blinked profusely and shifted uncomfortably in her seat. She was clearly embarrassed that I knew. She pouted in a tramp-like manner.

"Girl please. Don't be ridiculous. Lemme  continue with my work." I snickered at her immaturity. "So dumb." I whispered to myself.

"Excuse me?!" she shrieked in disbelief.

"What did you just call me?" She asked her voice raising an octave.

"You heard her. She called you dumb." Another girl behind her chipped in.

"You're new here. Don't mess with the wrong person on your first day." Helen threatened, glaring holes into her skull.

"Yeah, but I can smell dumb bitch when I see one." the mysterious girl retorted.

Helen huffed and was about to say something but the bell rang. "Saved by the bell." She said and got up and left the classroom.

"Please bitch we all know you can't put two and two together to make four." The mystery girl scoffed and got up, packing her stuff into her blue Adidas bag with orange stripes.

She walked towards me and held out her hand. "Hi. I'm Riley. Pleased to be your acquaintance." She introduced herself with a bright smile on her face.

"Fantasia." I replied shaking her hand.

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