Lazy Flow.

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A few days have passed since I've last seen Geoffrey. Dreaming of him was so serene. That is until my phone started to ring and woke me up. Who's complaining though? Geos' voice is always lovely to wake up to. 
"Hello?" I answer still half asleep.
"Did I wake you, baby?" "Um," I reply, feeling my eyes close slowly.
"Wake up! Lazy ass!" "Huh?" "Good almost afternoon!" "Afternoon?" "Yes! I've been calling you all damn morning long, punk! You're such a heavy sleeper!" "Not my fault. It's because I was awake, super late last night, talking to you, bitch! I don't understand how you stay up so late and wake up like an hour later to work in the studio!" "I'm used to it, bro."
"Bro?" I questioned. What can I say? That's how we play around these days. Out of love. I've gotten the relationship I've always wanted.
"Yes. My bro. My amor. My reason to be a better me each and every single day!" "I feel the love! Nice save, Royce!" He laughed. 
"I know! So, now that you're fully awake. I called to ask if you want to go to lunch? I've got to talk to you about tonight." "Of course. You have a show tonight, right?" "Yes. Now, get up and get ready. I'll be by to pick you up in a while." "Alrighty. See you then." "I love you, lazy butt!" "I love you, too!" I chuckled, "Alright. Enough. I'd seriously better get up now." "Fine, you win. Yeah, you better get on that. Bye."

I finally decided to get up, shower, get dressed and apply make-up. While doing so, my phone rang. It was Geoffrey asking me to open him the door.

"Barely?" He questions, seeing my blush brush in my hand. "Yes. You know us girls and our make-up." I replied. His face expression got serious. "You girls are crazy. If you ask me, I believe none of you need it. You're just ruining perfection! You're ruining what God worked hard to create!" "Geoffrey," I said, trying to hush him up. "You're making me feel bad, you ass!" "That wasn't my intention. I mean you're beautiful with or without it. I prefer our hanging out time. When your hair is tied back. When you don't have all of that make-up on your face. When you are in basketball shorts and a T-shirt. For me, those are the best moments by your side."

I started crying when he finished saying that. Not because it was sad, but because guys won't just pour their heart out to you. "Nikki, stop. Your make-up is getting ruined." I laughed. "Oh, I know. Who cares. Thank you for always making me feel beautiful. Even when I feel the ugliest, you try your best. That's why I love you." I said, hugging him. "Even at your worst, you are still your best. Trust me I would know." he said, pulling me in for a gentle kiss. I chuckled lightly. "Okay, I think I should go finish now. We could stay here talking and never leave for lunch. I just need to curl my eyelashes. Give me a few minutes. Be right back." "Agreed. I'll be here waiting."

* A/ N :
1.1k...... I still can't believe it... thanks so much to every single one of you for reading. The support I've gotten. Wow..
Hmm, this part was eh.. :) but... it will get better. I hope. :D**

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