Instant Connection?

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- My P.o.v -

Geoffrey and I were talking all afternoon. It was such a change. I felt like I didn't have to hide who I was around him. Even though I barely met him, it was just an instant, intellectual click between us both. We were having an extremely good time getting to know know more about one another. That is until KC calls me and ruins the picture perfect moment.

"Hello?" I question annoyed. "Nicole, where the heck are you?" "I'm busy right now, K." "Are you with that Geoffrey guy?" "No, I'm home." "LIES! You're not home because I'm standing inside of your house. Oh look at that, you're nowhere to be found!!" "KC! What the hell? I'm seriously changing the locks. It's none of your business where I am!" "You'd better hurry and get home. Don't forget we had plans with mom tonight!" "Damnit! I forgot. I'll be there in a while." I said, hanging up.

Geoffrey looks at me, "Aw, they want you to leave already? Things were going so good." "Yes, as old as I am, I have a curfew, I guess. Um, will you please take me home?" "Of course." I stood up, so did Geo. We had a serious moment in the hallway. Looking into his eyes, I felt a smile form on my face. Then I saw a smile take place on his face too. It was just wonderful.

* Authors note :

hmmmmmm... lol..

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