Are you sure? 9

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~Connor pov~

I was sleeping with Pearl-

Well not sleeping with her, just sleeping in her bed with her, totally normal friend thing right? How the hell would I know, this is the first friend I've had in ages.

  Pearl and I woke up to screaming coming from the living room, it was so loud Pearl fell on the floor and scrambled out the door. But when we ran in, it was just Pidge, and she was obviously terrified of something. She was sweating and hyperventilating and Hunk was rubbing her back for comfort.

  I knew that look she had on her face, it was the same look of fear I had when I saw my parents get in a huge fight for the first time when I was twelve. That night was horrible, I felt so hopeless and worthless I ended up smoking and snapping on more and more people...

~magical cool flashback~

  I finally got home after an hour, the bus had broken down and it had to get repaired in the middle of the road.

  My mom was the one who was calm, she helped me with my homework, even in seventh grade. (Eighth year for my UK readers,) she got me some crackers and we sat down to do my homework.

  About thirty minutes later, my dad came in, I didn't think much of it and continued to write cumulonimbus on my science homework. He growled to my mother "Cynthia, May I speak with you in our room for a moment?" my mom was confused and slowly got up and went to go talk to him.

  Being the nosy little twelve year old I was, I pressed my ear up to the door. I could hear my dad trying not to yell "Cynthia, you treat him like a baby. Let him grow up."

"Larry, where are you getting this from? And why did this even become a problem?" My mom sounded confused.

"Don't play dumb with me Cynthia. He isn't turning into a man. He won't sign up for any sports, he's growing his hair out! He looks like a little faggot!" He was yelling now, and he called me a faggot, I always knew he didn't like me that much, but now I knew he hated me.

  My stomach twisted, I wasn't feeling good at all, but I still kept my ear pressed up to the door.

"I'm letting him be who he WANTS to be Larry, what if he wants to be gay? Would you hate your son? I love him, he'll be going off to college right before our eyes! I'm trying to savor every moment with him now!"

  I smiled, my mom always defended me in arguments. Dad always said I should do sports even if I didn't want to, so I could 'get stronger' but my mom always stepped in and said I shouldn't have to if I don't want to.

  My dad was quiet for a long time. I thought he had taken a few deep breaths and calmed down and worked it out. But then he said something that sort of stabbed me

"He's no son of mine"

  My mother immediately jumped and started yelling at him about how he should always love me no matter what I look like, or who I am. I was thankful for her but I was silently praying for her to give up, it was okay that dad hated me, I had gotten used to it.

  After a few more minutes of her yelling at him, I heard a loud 'SLAP' come from the room, and everything went quiet. I opened the door since the only door that had a lock was the bathroom.

  I looked in the room, my mother was on the floor, with a bright red hand print on her face, and my father's eyes burning with hate. I was scared, so I did the only thing a small, light, and scrawny 12 year old could do.

I ran.

  I ran away for a week, I lived in an old abandoned shed for that week. Cleaning it out and fixing it up. My parents didn't send the cops out looking for me, probably because my dad decided against it. But that shed became my home for when things got bad. I'd run there and sleep there until everything blew over.

~end of magical flashback~

Pidge was breathing in heavily, I crouched down to help her breathe and calm down, and in a way it worked. She had stopped crying and she was aware of her surroundings now. Hunk asked "Wow, it must've been bad if it made you like that; what was your dream about?" She shook her head and didn't talk about it.

Pearl and Allura were it the kitchen making breakfast. I guessed it was because they didn't know Pidge that well and couldn't help like Hunk could. I'd have to ask her one on one, because I genuinely want to help her.

I'm not good at transitions

~Pidge pov~

That was terrifying, it felt so real and I didn't know what to do. I couldn't even look at lance because I kept seeing the light around him, and I had to look away. It was terrifying. I couldn't even talk to Allura, and she was my best friend (That's a girl, My best friend is probably Hunk) but when I looked at her, she had the face of the monster I saw, but it's face was carved into hers. With black wholes and a Cheshire smile on her face.

~time skip~

Me, Pearl, Hunk, and Connor were eating breakfast at the counter. Grey, Lance, and Allura were playing uno on the floor. Pearl was really quiet and didn't even look up at Connor. Which was a bit weird to me, I thought they were best friends or something.

  Instead, Connor and Hunk exchanged baking tips. Who knew that Connor Murphy would like baking. I thought it was good that Hunk was finally reaching out and searching for more friends. But Pearl looked lost without Connor, almost scared. I could see a bit of the fear I had in her eyes. I wanted to ask her what was wrong but my eyes kept wandering somewhere else...

  I couldn't keep my eyes off of Lance, Grey, and Allura. I kept thinking about my nightmare over and over again. Allura is perfect, beautiful, and amazing, and I'm just me. The girl who "cut her hair to make people stare" and is short and her only friend is a computer. Lance was going to forget about me....
AND THE REST OF US! Not just me, he loves Allura so much that he'd do anything for her. If she got mad at us she could make lance hate us, ruin our school reputations and make us hate our lives.

  I shook the thoughts out of my head, Allura is too nice, she'd never do that.

Would she?

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