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Chapter 13

We're on our new dorm right now. Mr. Lim dropped us off from the dorm and told us to stay there for a while. We sneakily went out of the dorm from the back door so no one will know we'll escape to see her sister. Finally.

I bet Mr. Lim have been looking for us but I don't give a dmn. It's the first time we'll do this so he'll forgive us because I said so. Lol.

We were currently at Ace Coffee right now. I saw a familiar back few meters away from where we are standing. Her hair is black just like what its supoosed to be, it's length was a few inches beneath her shoulders and I missed her blonde hair already.

"Hey unnie!", I said and her eyes went wide when she saw me. I kissed her cheeks and I went over to the sit in front of her. I saw Jinji unnie doing the same thing before sitting down next to her beautiful God-like sister.

"How are you, Soyoungie?", she asked. I missed her voice omg!

"I'm fine, unnie. How about you?"

"Well, tired. We just made our comeback and I'm feeling like a living corpse because of the tiredness I'm feeling. But don't worry, I'll be fine."

"I already ordered your favorite drinks.", she said, smiling. I smiled at her, "Thank you unnie."

"So, how's the life preparing for your debut?", she opened up the topic once the drinks arrived a few seconds after we sit from our seats. "Well it's hard, unnie. It's a nice thing we had a chance to get away from that world and meet you today. I missed you already."

Awww. I wished I had a sister. But don't worry, I have my oppa by my side. TT

Unnie looked at my direction, waiting for me to answer her question but I didn' utter any word. I just can't focus that I forgot for a moment how to construct a sentence in Korean.

"Is it because of the news about you?", I stopped sipping from the straw of my drink and looked at her. I wiped off some dirt from my mouth before looking at her again. "It's just that how can they think of that idea. Yesterday's night was awesome talking to my oppa and opening up that article to him. He even laughed his ass off with me while reading the article and the comments the fans and the netizens have been putting in the comment section."

As I think of that moment, I can't stop myself to laugh because of how the things turned. It's freaking ridiculous that we even went up until 2 am in the morning after just to finish reading all the comments and the articles. There are some who supported me and Taehyung oppa and almost all the comments are all hates on me.

Yes, only for me.

What other idols said were true. That if you are involve in a dating scandal, the girl will always be the one to receive the hate. Well, its not a hundred percent hate but its more than what the boy will get.


"Sorry guys, I need to go.", I pouted. Why do she needs to go already? "I'll treat you next time and I promise JJS will be together for a long time when the time comes."

She fixed her things inside her bag and stood up before giving a goodbye peck on our kiss. I don't want to her to go yet. I want to feel her again after so many years she've been busy.

I wonder how our long bonding time will be when starting next week, the three of us will be busy because of our debut and our career.

I just wish for a day with the two of them. Where we were just shopping everywhere we like. Having sleep over with our houses. Go on salon for our hairs. Vacation without permision from our parents. I miss the old times where we could enjoy our lives without cameras looking at us. I miss being normal. I miss being with them. Just the three of us. Jihyunie. Jinji. Soyoungie. JJS

"Annyeong Irene-sunbaenim.", I bid goodbye to Jihyun unnie and she felt embarassed of how I called her. I just showed her my smile until I couldn't see her back from where we are standing.


"I told the seven of you to stay here right? You know how dangerous it will be if someone recognize you.", the evil have spoken. I rolled my eyes as I focused my mind to somewhere else.

We just came back from Ace Coffee and things turned into what we didn't expect to happened. "Jinji, you are the eldest in this group and this will happened? You should know how to handle this kind of situation. You should know how to obey the things that I've given. It's not hard to follow what I said right?"

"Mianhaeyo, oppa.", she said before looking down as if she did something that can harm other people. "You," he pointed at me. "You're the so called princess of bighit but I didn't know you could do such things. You're the leader of this group but you are one of those who didn't obey the things I've ordered."

I let him talk and talk until he left us in our dorm. I rolled my eyes when he went out of the door. I immediately moved my eyes on Jinji unnie who's crying. The other members helped me with Jinji unnie.

It took us for hours before Jinji unnie stopped crying. She fell asleep when we left her in her room. That fake maknae jinja. I bet she'll be embarrassed by tomorrow when she remembered the things she done today.

You won't really think that she's 22 years old and older than me by a year. She looked like a 5 year old girl who dropped her candy on the floor. What a cute little baby.


"Did she really cry like that?", my oppa asked me while laughing his ass off. He came earlier when I called him because only him can make the oldest calm when she woke up a few minutes ago.

"Yeah. She's already waiting for you upstairs. Your crush is really something, oppa."

He just shake his head before he went upstairs. I grabbed a glass from the counter and opened the refrigerator and poured some water in it.

They are indeed a perfect couple in the future. They are both weird.

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