chapter 46

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Murthy mansion

Manik and nandini reach murthy mansion only to find rest of the people already present. Today's brunch was to discuss about shivaay and anika's wedding. The preparations and the dates.the whole murthy family along with malhotra's were present. Also all the friends of Manik and nandini were there too.

Upon entering they heard ishita, niyonika and anika's mother talking to the Pandit. There fathers were also at a side discussing the same. Rest of the youngsters were all around.

Nandini went towards preeti to talk to her while manik went where the boys Adi, cabir and Shravan were sitting.

N : so what happened today morning

P : passed my time seeing Ruhi fawn all over Adi

Nandini squeezes her shoulder in assurance.

N : it's just a matter of time. Adi will realize his feelings and you will too if he is worth yours.

Preeti smiles back at nandini.

Manik goes and sits beside adi who looks at him accusingly.

M : what did I do

Ad : yesterday you and princess

All colour seemed to drain out of Manik's face. He didn't really know how to define them as but they weren't just friends. How was he supposed to tell a brother that he wasn't dating his sister but still they acted like they were.

M : look adi we haven't defined it yet. But you know how I feel and it's going to be her decision

Ad : okay. But listed clearly even though I am your best friend, I am nandini's brother first. You break her heart, I break your jaw.

Manik chuckles and nods and adi leaves upon ishita calling him. At the same time cabir takes Aditya's place beside manik.

C : but I am only your friend, so you can tell me anything.

M : nandini and I are in a beautiful place and I don't want to spoil it by asking questions

C : so you are going to avoid it

Manik sighs

M : as long as I can

C : make sure this wait doesn't come bite you back in the future. and even though I keep joking, I really don't want you to get heart broken.

Manik smiles at his friend.cabir had always been like this, covering serious talks with jokes but he knew at heart cabir had always wanted good for his friends. Perhaps that was another reason manik was closest to him in Fab 5 .

Just like manik and cabir were good friends so we're Adi and Shravan. Right now too anyone could see them talking and laughing. For Manik and adi had found friendship in them when neither Adi nor manik had anyone else to call as a friend. They weren't a replacement of each other rather someone to try and fill a different place.

Even though adi and Manik got along well still Manik and Shravan didn't really talk much. Nandini had made them all friends and turned the stupid game of competition around, but the bridge that was there due to contrasting personalities couldn't be filled. just because you can talk to someone doesn't really make you good friend.

Ishita calls for everyone's attention.

I : so Pandit ji has given the dates and upon discussion we have decided that the marriage will take place after a month. And the engagement ceremony after two days.

Everyone Bursts into applause and congratulations. Nandini took congrats shivaay. While shivaay has a continuous grin on his face complemented by slight blushing face of anika.

N : first wedding of the murthy clan. I am so excited

M : calm down princess there is still time.

Nandini gives a sheepish expression while manik chuckles. He holds her hand and together they go towards the dining area.

The parents have there food in the living room itself while the younger members are all settled on the dining table.

Manik pulls a chair for nandini and she gives him a smile, he smiles back and takes one himself just beside her. Their hands still connected.

The seating arrangement was like shivaay and anika at the head of the table, busy in their own world after that was Shravan then adi then Ruhi then Mukti, after that nandini and Manik. On the other side were cabir ,navya, preeti ,Alia and dhruv .

All of them were chatting excitedly about the wedding preparations. Th guests and the buzz it would create. Manik's birthday itself was such a big deal and now it was a full fledged wedding.

Across the table nandini could see adi and preeti giving each other discreet glances. Every few minutes there eyes would connect, making them blush. But nandini was not the only one who saw that exchange, Ruhi saw as well.

In order to divert Aditya's attention she started talking to him and held his hand, which brought a frown on preeti's face.

Nandini called for adi

N : Adi please pass me that bowl

Ad : here princess

Adi dropped Ruhi's hand and passed the bowl to nandini, making her smirk. The hand which was connected to manik was slightly tugged and she looked at him. His eyes clearly showing that he knew what she had been trying to do.

Rest of the conversation passed naturally.

S: so Adi and Manik both of yours new project, I haven't heard about it in a while.

The words of Shivaay made Manik choke and nandini immediately put a hand on his back. Even Adi had frowns all over his face.

Ad : it's fine bhai

N : bhai we are here for the wedding. U can talk buisness in the office. Don't spoil the mood

An : exactly shivaay. So Alia what were you saying about the designer.

Manik and adi looks at each other, when nandini too got busy talking to anika. But even through all of this not even once had their hands left each other's,giving a proof of the other one's presence.

All in all, the atmosphere was joyous and the elation could be felt in everyone's moods. The upcoming wedding was going to bring happiness and that's something to look forward to.

That's all for today.

Perhaps not my best chapter, but important none the less.

Also there are going to be small time jumps in the story now, and the wedding chapters are going to be their soon.

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Precap : engagement.

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