chapter 79

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Space academy
Behind the staircase

Just like nandini ,manik had decided on working things out too so he got adi to talk to Shravan.

Ad : what's this

M : you both need to talk. Everyone Is trying to moved past it, why are both being childish.

Sh : I am angry

Ad :you are angry, I am supposed to be angry. You supported ruhi

Sh: she is my sister. Anyways that is not the reason, I was your best friend and then one day when Manik and you made up, he became your best friend.

Ad : it's not like that, Manik to me is different. He is my childhood buddy almost like family. You are my friend

M : I am getting emotional

Sh and Ad : shut up

M : now now don't forget I brought you both here

Sh : I am sorry

Just like that it was done, adi and Shravan had been always cool, dealing with situations. A few words and they were back to being friends. They hugged each other. While manik gave his commentary

M : typical murthy siblings not saying sorry

Ad : hey I said sorry when we became friends again

M : because princess made you say it. Also it was completely your mistake

Ad : whatever

Sh : I will leave you guys to fight, I am sure I have more friendships to apologize to.

He left Manik and adi talking, they teased each other on how many times who had said sorry.

Ad : it's always you apologizing to princess

M : I am sure you will apologize to preeti too

Ad : it's different

M : how exactly. Accept it

Ad : OK fine

Manik smirks while Adi hits him lightly

M : so now things are getting good

Ad : yeah gradually they are . Actually princess was asking me yesterday about

Manik sighed

M : she asked me as well.

Ad : Manik when will you tell her

Manik now grew angry, adi was the only one who knew the situation exactly. And his tone right now made Manik feel like, manik was the one who was wrong

M : tell her what that I left because I was in danger and I didn't want her to get included. That you and I had screwed up in buisness and gotten the mafia involved.

Ad : manik

Manik was now rambling, adi was the only person who knew about it all, only one who adi could say everything clearly too. but he was unknown to the fact that another set of ears were hearing him too. Nanidni had overheard him and adi talking. Nowadays Nanidni seemed to be eveasdroping a lot . Or perhaps that was the only way she would learn about things

M : how do I say that I didn't really have a choice, that making her hate me was the only way she would have let me leave without saying anything to anyone. That all I wanted was to keep her safe.

He angrily left the place and adi sighed leaving behind him too. But there were tears rolling down nandini's cheeks. Now she knew the truth, why Manik wrote that message. And she was guilty for thinking that he would purposely hurt her and still hurt that he didn't trust her enough to tell the truth.

Walking always towards the parking lot sleathily, she got in her car and drove fast out of the college gates almost getting mixed with the sunset to an onlooker.


Nanidni had been driving aimlessly for a while now, but the pain in her heart didn't seem to decrease. She wanted to forget everything tonight, so she decided she would. Taking out her phone she looked at the address Maddy had sent her. It was late now and the sun had almost set an hour or two before. She was getting party tonight.

Nandini reached the place to find many cars parked by the street. The area was not something nandini was used to be in. But she paid no heed. Teenagers could be seen in the garden, with cups in their hand. She walked to the front door, and it looked like a perfect college party. High volume music blasting from the speakers, people dancing and flirting. Some even passed out from being so drunk. All in all that was exactly what nandini needed tonight.

Walking in, she found herself, a glass of the cheap alcohol everyone was drinking. Dowing it in one sip, she went for another and another until she forgot which glass it was. She danced and laughed and perhaps flirted with a few guys to but she couldn't remember that. Maybe she saw Maddy, maybe she didn't, her mind wasn't clear. A girl was dancing on the bar ,no doubt completely drunk out of her senses. After a few minutes nandini realized that girl was her.

Suddenly everyone started leaving the place running, and then nandini too heard the siren of police cars. She too followed the direction everyone was running to. Nandini went out of the back door and ran. She had forgotten about her car ,but right now saving herself was more important. If she was caught, the name of the murthy family was certainly going to be dragged by the media. Nandini ran until there was no sound of the police. But now she saw that she was lost. Looking around Nanidni had no way of going back home.

The running and the fear had cleared her head, and she wasn't that drunk anymore.

Thankfully Nandini's phone was in her jeans pocket and she took it out, opening her contact list. The question was now who to call. It was late and night and she needed someone who could comfort her. She couldn't call shivaay because he would be angry, knowing her state. Adi was an option, but the last time she had gotten so drunk, he had been disappointed. Preeti was out with navya. Only manik was left. Or nandini though she was just finding excuses to not call anyone else. She called Manik and he pick up by the second ring

N : Manik

Nandini's voice held fear which made Manik alert.

M : what happened princess.

Nandini told him about being stranded and send her location to him. Manik said he would be there soon.

Nandini say by a bus stop bench to wait for Manik.


That's all for today

Thanks to everyone for their wishes yesterday.

So finally we have an idea of what happened .views on that

Next chapter is going to the most awaited one.

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Precap : Manik's side of the story

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