chapter 80

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Malhotra mansion

Manik had found nandini sitting by the bench, almost 15 minutes after her call. Immediately he knew she was upset. Opening his car door for she silently, he let her be.

Manik had brought nandini to his home, since Adi and shivaay would be at the murthy residence and would ask questions, nandini was not ready to answer.

Nandini reeked of alcohol, so she took a shower and manik gave her some of his clothes. Since he was a few sizes big, she looked like his clothes had engulfed her.

She went and sat quietly on the bed, the whole way she had been silent. Manik also didn't say anything, giving her time to gather her thoughts.

Nandini realized how stupid she had been, drinking and partying to forget manik. When Manik was someone she could never get of her mind. She was worried about today, but a large part of her still stuck onto what she had heard in the college.

Manik moves ahead and sits on his knees in front of her. Holding her hands lightly. He whispered the words as if afraid to spoil the calmness around.

M : are you okay

N : are you dissapointed in me

M : I could never be. I trust you and I know you did nothing wrong. You can't. And even if you did I am here, I will make it alright. You don't need to worry princess

Manik had made a few calls while she was in the shower, to make sure this didn't make a big deal. Nandini's car was still at the place and he didn't want any problems because of that. He was going to give the fine, and make sure everything remained under the wraps.

N : you always stand by me, whether right or wrong

M : because to me that doesn't matter, only person who matters is you

N : Manik do you really trust me

For the first time, nandini's voice contained doubt. She had always been sure that Manik and her could say anything to each other. But the last few days had made her question this.

M : yes..

Manik spoke without a second thought. he was sure of it, he trusted her more than anyone else. there was nothing question to it

Nandini had a few tears trailing down now, her guard had completely shattered today. Today she didn't want to fight or accuse. She wanted answers, answer she was ready to accept, to understand

N : I heard you talking to adi.

Manik moved his hands, cupping her face he wiped her tears. When nandini spoke, he took a moment to get what she meant, but when he realized his hands froze.

nandini held Manik's hands that were still on her face. he was looking down, not meeting her eyes. he wasn't strong enough to.

N : why didn't you tell me

nandini moved his face to look into his eyes, and what she saw made her heart break. Manik was crying , his eyes were red. It was like a dam had broken, all those feelings that he had been storing in before came out.

M : I am sorry, I am sorry

these were the only words he kept repeating. tears flowed down both their cheeks. it was in a long while, that they had shown such emotion to each other. no lies,no omissions just pure truth

N : why did you think I won't understand, that I will not stand by you, why Manik

M : no nandini, it wasn't that. I...,you, bhai, everyone all of you had so much trust in me and Adi, in our project. And somehow things started going wrong

M : at first we thought we can handle and there was no need to worry others, and by the time we realized it had gotten out of hand it was too late

Manik had been strong for too long,he had not gotten a chance to talk to nandini. And now he wanted to say everything

M : the investor, had taken a few loans from the wrong people, for the project. We had no idea about that. Later he backed out and ran away with the money. The people whom he owed came behind us. They were the local mafia.

nandini gasped but didn't dare interrupt him. just holding his hand, giving him strength to go on . She remained silent, for Manik was speaking today, telling her all she had been begging to know. But today she was suddenly afraid that she didn't want to hear that.

M : we received threats, death threats. One worker was seriously injured. The local police was also involved with the mafia. We had no idea what to do, instead of paying them back. Adi could have gotten hurt too, his car was burned. We got afraid for our families. For you nandini. I had already lost you before because of the accident, because of me. I would rather die than for it to happen again.

Even though they had moved past nandini's accident, no one had truly forgotten it. Manik still held the fear of losing her, the fear of that night repeating.

M : that night..

nandini could see he was breaking, she didn't want to hear what she had wanted him to say for so long. all she wanted was to stop this pain she felt when she saw him crying in front of her. his voice was hoarse, and he was hiccuping due to tears

M : nandini I did not want to leave. Trust me. Every single part of me wanted to stay. To kiss you good morning. To hear you love me, to say it back again.

M : I got a message, that night was when that worker was hospitalized, out site they had destroyed the machines and a note was left asking for money. It said, more deaths will follow if we do not give the money. I was forced to leave. It was bhai's wedding, adi could not go, not if we wanted to keep it a secret

M : I had certain funds on my name, I got out money, so did adi. We payed as much as we could, asking for time, doing damage control .

M : I wanted to call you, text you, but I couldn't. Our calls could be traced. I had no choice but make you stay away, so I did the only thing that would make you stay away. I broke up. And like a jerk I am, I did it by a message. That day when I returned, I wanted nothing more to beg you to take me back, to tell you that I am sorry, that you are right to hate me, that I would do anything for you to forgive me. I couldn't because what would I say, where was I, why did I go. Questions I can't answer.

M : it was not Adi's fault, he didn't know that we slept together, he thought you are angry because I went without any reason. I am sorry, I messed it all up

N : Manik, I understand and I wish you would have told me

Nandini cupped his face, and gently kissed his forehead. She now knew it all. And even when she was angry with him for hiding, for not telling her, putting them both through this, a part of her understood what he did and why he did . She had forgiven him long before. Today she just knew why he did what he did. She knew what he had been hiding.

That night nandini stayed with Manik, he took her in her arms, and she rested her head on his chest. Manik and nandini both comforting each other. They were peaceful because they were together. And there were no secrets in between. In a long while there was no hesitation. . But fear what of what was to come

That's all for today

I am sorry for the late update. I was unwell for the past few days.

So this is the most awaited chapter. I hope you guys understand Manik's pov.

How many of you forgive Manik now. Do you think his behavior was justified.

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Precap : a day with Manik and nandini.

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