chapter 64

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Space academy

It's a new day, but this doesn't mean the mistakes of yesterday are forgotten. New day means a chance to correct them, to change for the better.

Manik and adi are in the hallway talking, Adi tells him about his talk to nandini last night.

M : adi ,of course she reacted like this. Perhaps you should go say that you hate me and she is right and then maybe she will talk to u.

Adi lightly punched manik

Ad : shut up ,you know it's not true. She doesn't hate you

M : she does

Ad : I mean think about it, just because you went out and didn't receive her calls, and didn't tell her you were going, or give her the reason

M : do u hear yourself

Ad : okay she does have right to be angry. But this won't make her hate you

Manik is silent for a second and then asks

M : what exactly happened while I was away

Ad : for starters, princess was behaving weird. She was sad for some reason, but wasn't telling anything. Then she did ask about you in the beginning but she seemed angry. Whenever in the college anyone would ask her about you she would blow up. So it's safe to say something happened.

Ad : as far as Fab 5 are concerned, they were worried about your whereabouts. Tried asking your parents too

Ad : one thing that shocked me was Maddy and nandini becoming friends, she stopped avoiding him and that was all the chance he needed to get around her. Aryaman and harshad have also found new friends, but nandini is still quite close to them. They are always there for her. Preeti

M : something happened between you guys

Ad : well, we were quite close you know since nandini

Manik coughs and then chuckled seeing Adi's expressions

Ad : okay it wasn't just because of princess, she is a good company, you know mature to talk about things yet funny and

M : okay I wasn't asking for your love story

Ad : this is no love story

M : whatever makes you sleep at night

While manik and adi were talking, shravan and cabir joined them. They seemed to be arguing about something.

M : what's up guys.

C : he likes a girl

Ad : good, I was getting afraid, you know thinking whether you swing

Shravan punches him

Sh : shut up

Ad : not that I have any problem with that

M : Adi did you not hear the part where he likes a girl. Anyways why are you arguing about it

Sh : I think I should ask her out. Cabir thinks I should wait to get to know her, for her to know me

M : right, like cabir waited for navya for years. I am surprised he asked her out this year. I thought he was going to wait for graduation.

C : so he should listen to you, whoes girl does not even want to see his face. And is now a days on the arm of Maddy

M : now that was harsh

Ad : don't listen to them, you should make sure whether you like her before you do anything. Now we don't want breakups and unnecessary drama

M : right, keep the girl hanging while you settle your own mind. Like this idiot is doing is that the reason why you are getting cold shoulder from your girl

All of them kept arguing and Shravan shouted making them stop

Sh : you know what you guys are right. How stupid would I be to take relationship advice from those who can't even handle their own

C : hey I am doing good in my relationship

Shravan left, leaving the others shocked at his audacity. But he wasn't really wrong was he.


Manik was alone by the parking lot,standing by the hood of his car. He was waiting for rest of the members of Fab 5 ,they were going to practice at his house and we're to go together.

The day went in pretty smoothly considering how the past few have been. Manik was thinking about what Adi said and how his absence had changed things. He could see it . Nandini and preeti were mostly together and Maddy was trailing her like a puppy. He scoffed thinking not even coco behaved like this. His friends were not changed much, like always they had talked and no one had bothered much about where he was. They had always been like this there for each other, at least in front of the world, but perhaps they weren't that close emotionally.

He knew adi and preeti, their equation changed, now no more preeti seemed like the defenseless girl who had scumbed to his best friend's charms. She had grown a back bone. Maybe seeing nandini heart broken was what took her to try and save hers. Adi seemed to like this change. He had started realizing his emotions.
Manik didn't know much about preeti, he knew she was a good friend to nandini, other than that they had kept their distance.

actually he had gotten more used to Adi's friends then those whom nandini had made on her own. They were crazy but still felt like friends. Even Ruhi.

But when it came to Harshad or aryaman, he didn't know what was wrong, they were good people ,maybe just had different opinions that him on certain things.

Nandini, she was the most who had changed in the past month. He has never seen nandini so angry or hurt. She never looked away from him, she would yell or shout, but indifference had never been her. But this time he had made her do that, he knew she would listen to him, albeit she would be angry. But he was the one who wasn't ready to talk. How was he supposed to wish for her to forgive him, when he wasn't even asking for it.

There was nothing more manik regretted than leaving that day. It was difficult to let himself get up and leave. He knew with every step he took that day, he was leaving a piece of his heart behind.
But he also knew he had to do it. Perhaps if he ever got a chance to undo something in his life, that night it would be. Even if it meant nothing hearing nandini say those words, because atleast then he would not be the one to hurt her. To make her feel that those words were a mistake.

While manik was lost in his thoughts, his friends voices brought him back to present. They were laughing and teasing each other. And that moment he thought, atleast his friends were there for him.

But now the question is were they? At a point where everything else in his life is being tested, will his friendships be too

That's all for today

So I hope now you got a look into Manik's head. What he is thinking.

Do you guys think perhaps he is not all wrong?

In place of nandini, would you ever forgive him

I would like to hear your thoughts in this chapter. Also please vote if you like the chapter. A second of your time might make someone's day

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Precap : brotherly bonds

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