chapter 90

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Murthy mansion

Most of her friends friends along with Manik had left. The evening had been a success and nandini too went up to her room. The thoughts about the time spend with her friends fresh in her mind.

Fab 5 had gotten will with everyone, so had her friends. Those who had problems too didn't show them head on. Alia had avoided nandini, maybe she was afraid of the wrath of Manik's princess. Nandini snorted at that thought.

As far as Ruhi was concerned.

Nandini had gotten used to being in Ruhi's company ,all credit to aryamam . He genuinely wanted nandini and her to get along. Maybe because nandini was a good friend and Ruhi his potential partner.

Well they were cordial to each other, but hadn't talked about that night. Ruhi felt bad about all that she said. And wanted to talk to her one on one.

Since everyone had retired for the night, she knocked on nandini's door. Nandini was sitting in the balcony and gestured her to come in. Ruhi walks and sits beside her.

N : you want something

Ru : forgiveness

Nandini looked surprised. She knew Ruhi dislikes her and her pride was too high to say something. Still Ruhi was here

N : aryaman made you do this

Nandini looked thoughtful. She knew aryaman wasn't that kind of a person. But she also knew he wanted nandini to resolve her issues with Ruhi. And what better than making the latter apologize. Nanidni looks at the night sky. It always calmed her down, reminding her of Manik.

Ru : no, he is a good friend. He would never do that . I am here because I wanted to be. Look nandini, I know I have said many things to you, in front and behind your back. And also tried to sabotage you a fee times. I always thought you were a stuck up rich girl, who had everyone's attention and got whatever she wants. Or maybe I was just jealous that, you just came and how everyone in the college started to worship the ground you walked on.

N : you are not doing good at this forgiveness speech. If anything you are making me angry

Ru : I have realized you are not all of that. You have a bit of attitude, but anyone at your place would have that. You are a good person you know. Even when everyone abandoned me, you still let me sit with you guys. Also apart from a few comments here and there, which I totally deserve, you were never mean.

N : I am done keeping grudges and being mean. Tried once, I found bullying is horrible. Moreover you were heartbroken, and I have recently felt that. Although it was different in my case

Ru : it was, Manik is a gem of a person and I truly believe he loves you. Everyone can see that. His face lights up when he sees you. That was the most surprising you know. First day, and both the boys were wrapped around your fingers. Adi and Manik, I still remember.

They shared a laugh on old memories.

Ru : they both consider you very important part of their lives. And I am happy that you have such people. I was just petty, and my feelings got the better of me. I am genuinely sorry.

Nandini like she had said, was done keeping grudges. She and Ruhi might not be best friends but atleast they could try and get along. And getting over this, would be the the start.

N : it's okay. No blood, no foul.

Ruhi nodded, a few tears had escaped her. After everything she liked talking to nandini today.

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