chapter 72 (repeated)

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I am posting the previous chapter again for those who were unable to see before.


Nandini and preeti went out where they saw Adi, Ruhi and manik are standing in a circle arguing. They were a considerable distance from the ball room so no one could hear the commotion

Ru : I can't believe this

Ad : Ruhi

Ru : no this is enough

Nandini walks forward with preeti in toe. Rest of there friends also gathered around

N : what is going on

Ru : as if you don't know. Everything that happens, happens according to you.

Days and days of silent anger, and cold wars had come to this. All of them were finally speaking there minds, without thinking what would hurt the other.

Ad : Ruhi leave her out of this

Ru : oh really, she can never be left out. It's all about her. Afterall she is your princess right.

Preeti goes near adi while Alia comes and tugs Ruhi's hand.

Al : Ru look calm down we will talk about this later

Ru : no I am saying this, just because adi and Manik put her on a pedestal does not mean that we have to walk on eggshells around her.

N : will anyone tell me clearly? What exactly happened

M : princess

N : I am not going anywhere

Nandini moves forward and looks Ruhi in the eye. Manik and adi exchange uneasy glances. The rest of them are also to shocked to say anything.

N : you have a problem with me, say it to my face. Nandini murthy doesn't cover behind people.

Ru : you think it's all okay to meddle in people's lives. That you can play matchmaker and it will all go as you like.

M : Ruhi

Manik clenches his hands, he can't hear anything against nandini. And for Ruhi speaking things that could hurt her was totally unacceptable to him.

Ru : you want adi and preeti to be together. So u decided to play cupid. It's all about you, but did you ever realize that these are other's lives you are dealing with. It's their decision

N : I only encouraged them. Preeti and adi like each other. You and him would not be together, and I have nothing to do with it.

Ad : look Ruhi nandini really had nothing to do with this. I actually don't like u. U are my friend a very good friend but it's not the kind of feelings you are looking for. I didn't want you to get embarrassed so I tried to turn you down poliety

Ru : isn't it late for that. U left me alone on the dance floor

Ad : you were forcing me talk about a kiss that didn't happen. I told you I am not interested in u.

Ruhi was not ready to accept this. She took all her hurt and channeled it in anger towards nandini

Ru : U know what Adi ,the problem is nandini. Why can't you see. Since she has returned it all started. All u and Manik do is run around her chanting her name. Princess this, princess that. And newsflash your this princess hates you both right now.

M : what she means to us is none of your business. and nandini coming back was not a mistake.

Al : really manik, she broke your heart and acts like a Bitch. Everyone here knows that you can't see behind her, for you everything begins and ends at her. But their is a life beyond her too. The world you had been living in when she wasn't here.

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