chapter 86

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Now that Raman had asked them to leave, they were all going back home.
The car ride was silent with Manik driving and adi riding shot gun. Nanidni had been sitting in the back and looking at them both with worry.

N : it's okay guys. You are still working with bhai. And dad and uncle only scolded you a little so I guess it wasn't that bad

Ad : they didn't say anything, their eyes showed dissapointment

M : like yours did, when you first got to know

Nanidni sighed, yes she was a but sad that the project did not work out but it had nothing to do with Adi and Manik. Whatever happened was bit there fault. Yet they were losing hope

Nandini had always been the one in the group who was taken care of, whose demands were fulfilled. Whenever their was a problem, Adi and Manik solved it before she even could worry. Now it was her turn to help them with their problems

N : what you thought was the best ,you did. You tried to protect everyone. It's not your fault that it didn't work out. At least you can be proud of the fact that you didn't abandon what you started. I am proud and so is bhai. They are just angry that you didn't tell them. They wanted to protect you like you wanted for them

Nandini went quiet after that, giving them time to ponder on her words.
Murthy mansion

Upon reaching murthy mansion, ishita and niyonika were standing in hall. They were pacing in the hall. As soon as they saw them, Adi and Manik were in the arms of their mothers. They hugged them tightly, trying to forget all their worries.

Ishita and niyonika consoled them all, saying they would solve this and they had nothing to worry about.

Later they did lunch together with Manik and adi being fawned upon. Nandini too smiled at this, even though their parents were absent most of the time, they loved them. And it was times during these when their parents support showed how much they were loved too.

The rest of the day passes by, and it was now evening. This family time had cheered them all up. Manik and adi had cheered up and now were smilling as well.

Raman, shivaay and Raj jokes them for dinner. and they were like one big happy family. Even though Manik and adi had been scolded in the office, right now their fathers just told them not to worry. Everyone makes mistakes and learn form them. The lesson is what is important.


Nandini had been sitting on the terrace for the past few minutes, looking at the night sky , when adi came and sat beside her.
Today had been a day for all of them to ponder on their deeds, the past month their actions and it's consequences had changed many things in their lives.

Ad : are you okay princess?

N : shouldn't I be asking you this?

Ad : no, you have been their for Manik and me today. For the mistakes we have done, you suffered the most because of it. But still you were the one who was the first to forgive and stand by us.

Nandini sat in silence, she was quite and adi wasn't sure if that was good

Ad : you are allowed to be weak, to be afraid, to be angry. Share it with me nandini.

Nanidni looks at adi and all she sees is the brother she loves, the brother who had made sure to get her whatever her heart desires, the brother who cried like a baby the day she left.

N : I have been thinking about the past month , I behaved like a spoiled child

Ad : no you behaved like someone who's heart had been broken

Their is a long pause, and adi notices Nanidni was trying to control her tears. He puts an arm by her shoulder

Ad : you don't need to hide them from me princess. and just because you now know the reasons behind Manik's actions, don't make his actions right.

N : I know but it still is weird you know. The past month after manik left I tried to forget him, and it was easier to act like I had when I didn't see him in front of my eyes every waking moment. But then he came back, so I went for anger, I was angry because he left, I was angry because he never said anything about it. The anger wore off and I was left with hurt. So I tried to cry, every break up gets better after you have cried your heart out.

Adi kissed her forehead lightly, he hadn't been their for nandini when she was going through this. The bonds of friendship or perhaps the reason of nandini's pain always bound him.

Nandini was sharing her feelings. Her side of the story. She needed to vent it to someone.

N : but that didn't work either. So I tried to hate him. Everytime I looked at him I tried to make myself remmember he left me without so much as an explanation, and all I saw the was the boy I love . I saw the Manik who calls me his princess. The Manik who used to do anything for me even if it hurt him, even when he doesn't agree with me. I saw the Manik whose eyes show how much he loves me even when he never says that. and I couldn't hate him

Ad : he does love you nandini. I have seen that. I have know that. I knew it when you went due to the accident, I knew when he turned every girl down. I knew when when you returned. He was actually happy that day. So happy that he could burst with happiness. He didn't even respond to my taunts you know

Adi chuckles in remembrance, Manik had been looking like a love struck fool that day. and everyone was surprised .

N : and all those years I considered him my best friend. The person I share it all with. Who understands me. Who stays by me.

Ad : Nanidni you both will get through this, give it some time. Both of you need to talk, to accept. It will work out.

Adi and nandini had been the siblings who loved, who fought yet understood each other. They weren't that different. They were both impulsive and acted on what they believe was right. Maybe that was why they could get each other so well.

Ad : I never told you sorry for not being with you throughout

N : I forgive you adi. I was never really angry with you. Just a little in the beginning maybe, I wanted to see you punch manik for all the pain he caused me. and when I saw you bringing him home, well I wanted to punch you

Ad : I can punch him now if you want

Shivaay spoke form behind and both brother sister turned . He had a tray in his hands

S: who is punching whom. Adi you have caused enough trouble lately. Better be on good behavior now

N : of course bhai, I am going to monitor him now

Ad : you do one mistake and your siblings don't leave one chance of throwing it at your face

N : well can't leave a chance of making the egoistic Aditya murthy forget how we are better than him

Shivaay laughs and sits on the other side of nandini. He passes hot chocolate to both of them .

S : can't forget the traditions

The day had ended on a good note. and now it felt like everything was falling back into place. Nanidni belived adi's words, it was going to be all right.

That's all for today

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Precap : first day at trying to be normal.

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