Chapter 1

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"Y/N we need to go now!" F/N whispered shaking me nervously 

"N-Now?" I asked as I sat up looking at her

"Yeah. Fareeha just passed our room. She won't come back here for another two hours. Now is the time." She whispered looking out of our room's door

"And you're sure everyone is asleep?"

"Yes I'm sure. Now come on." She grabbed my arm and quietly opened the door

We looked around to make sure no one was in the halls before quickly running out the door. Our footsteps sounded loud to me as we ran, trying to avoid Fareeha, who was patrolling the halls. My heart began to beat faster as the front door came within our sight. As we ran into the night a scream made it to our ears,


I jumped up in a cold sweat remembering the night of our escape. That dream has haunted me even after 5 years of escaping that hell hole. I looked over at my clock and I sighed as I saw it 7:30 in the morning. I got up from my bed walking over to my closet grabbing my uniform. You see after F/N and I ran from the witch we made it to the town of Eichenwalde. The lord, Reinhardt Wilhelm took us in after we explained what we were doing in the kingdom so late. In the morning he got us a transport, taking us far away from his kingdom. We eventually signed up for the military, and not surprisingly we got in. Well with me being a werewolf, it wasn't surprising to me. 

Anyway back to the present. As I stepped out of my room I ran into F/N who was also just stepping out of her room. 

"Breakfast?" She chuckled

I nodded and we quickly walked to the cafeteria where some recruits were also eating. We walked over and quickly got our own breakfast before sitting down. Half way into our meal the intercom came on,

"Y/N L/N and F/N F/L/N report to the commanders office." 

F/N and I shared a look before we stood and walked towards the commanders office. We quickly reached his office and we opened the door to see him sitting in his chair calmly,

"Girls please sit down." He ordered gesturing to the chairs 

We quickly followed his order as he pulled out a file,

"You two are going to Eichenwalde in Germany. The lord there has asked for assistance in the transportation of Jamison Junkenstein to a asylum not to far from here. Also a captain will be assigned to help you with the transportation of Jamison. You will depart at 0900."

We both nodded as he gave the folder to me, and I grabbed it with shaking hands. He dismissed us, and F/N immediately began to freak out as we went back to my room,

"Oh my god. We're going back there!? Where she fucking lives!? That's a suicide mission. As soon as we step in Eichenwalde she'll know we're there." F/N panicked as we stepped into my room

"We can't panic right now. All we need to do is get in and get out. Then we'll be out of there." I stated calmly, although I was panicking on the inside

"You're right. As long as we do it quickly, the witch won't have time to capture us." F/N smiled as she calmed down

My hands began to shake even more, although F/N didn't notice as we got ready for Eichenwalde.

Timeskip brought to you by chibi Mercy looking for chibi Y/N

The transport plane landed as F/N and I stood from our seats. The captain stood as F/N and I grabbed our weapons just in case. The doors opened and we followed the captain as he walked out. We made our way to the infamous castle as the locals looked at us with awe and fear. We eventually made it to the castle where Reinhardt was waiting for us,

"Ah! Welcome my friends!" He greeted us with a smile 

"Hello Mr. Wilhelm." Our captain greeted him as they shook hands

"And who are your comrades?" Reinhardt asked as he looked at F/N and I 

"Oh! This is Y/N L/N and F/N F/L/N." The captain smiled gesturing to us

"Y/N? F/N? Its been so long!" Reinhardt rushed forward and captured us in a bone crushing hug 

"You know each other?" Our captain asked looking at Reinhardt

"Of course! They were here five years ago!" 

I smiled as I patted Reinhardt on the back,

"Its good to see you too Rein." I smiled from behind my mask 

Reinhardt smiled before nodding, although that quickly changed as his smiled faded,

"Now let me introduce you to the wicked doctor."

We followed him into the dungeon of the castle where we could hear the laughter of the doctor. 

"You can't hold me forever! You know she'll come for me!" He laughed crazily as we approached his cell

"Shut up you wicked man." Reinhardt glared at him as he opened the cell

F/N and I walked forward with handcuffs even though Jamison already had restraints on him. We cuffed him for extra measures before lifting him up and dragging him towards the cell door. The captain made way as we dragged him out, and started to make our way towards the ship. Reinhardt followed us just in case Jamison got away. As we dragged him through the town the locals stared at him with horror and fear. They began to whisper to each other as he growled at them. We eventually made it to the ship where we put him in our cell, and immediately closed the door. 

"Y/N I would like to talk to you before you go.." Reinhardt stated eyeing Jamison worriedly 

"Wait.." Jamison giggled insanely as his hands held the bars, "Y/N? As in Y/N L/N? The lost puppy of the witch!?" He laughed as I glared at him through my helmet, "She's been waiting for you Y/N, and you know that she knows. She sensed your presence as soon as you stepped foot onto this land. You won't escape her. Not this time." He laughed insanely as I walked away 

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